Part 9

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After Beam dropped him off, Pha went up to his dorm room ecstatically happy, yet he could not pinpoint the reason. As he walked up he tried to remember the last time he'd been this happy but he could not remember.

After taking a shower and performing his normal nightly routine he put on a pair of boxers and crawled under the covers. In no time he was fast asleep. That night Pha had the most beautiful dream.

He and Beam had gone for a picnic next to a stream,they were surrounded by sweet scented flowers. After eating they both laid side by side on the soft grass Beam's head was on his chest and his arm was around the later, in the dream Beam told him 'I'll always be by your side You'll never lose me.' while caressing his cheek. Pha could not stop smiling in his dream 'I'll always be by your side as well Beam.' As he kissed the shorter's head. they both laid there content to be with each other, both had a smile on their lips.


The next morning Pha woke up feeling refreshed and had a smile on his face it was as if he was still in his dreamscape. He had a good feeling about this dream. Maybe the universe was telling him that everything would be okay, that good things were coming his way. There was no way he would believe that a dream portraying his best friend could portend bad news. Little did he know that someone was laying in wait desperate to trap him.

Pha prepared himself for the day ahead then went downstairs to wait for Beam,who had been picking him up since the beginning of this crazy affair. While he stood there waiting a shadow fell over him, he looked over only to see the person he least wanted to lay eyes on.

"Pha why are avoiding me?" He'd been in such a good mood she had come and spoilt it, this proved the old adage 'after joy comes sorrow' to be true. "I've always avoided you, you just chose to ignore that fact."

"Pha I'm your fiancee."

"My fiancee?" Pha laughed, "Not with my consent, I never wanted this and you know it. My family and yours did it on their own. I never liked you and I never will." Pha did not realize that by saying these things to the crazed woman he was adding fuel to the fire of her ire. A scary smile moved across her lips though no mirth showed in her eyes. "You'd better get use to the idea that you belong to me Pha, and there is no one who can change that."

"Sure keep telling yourself that." It took so much for Pha not to let out what he knew about her activities, but he knew she'd be prepared if he gave anything away. Luckily as he was done speaking his piece Beam arrived and he could not be happier that he was moving away from the mire that is Pring, less he should allow himself to sink in and die. He walked to his friend with a smile on his face once again remembering the dream that came to him the previous night.

Beam and Pha went to breakfast and for some reason he could not take his eyes off of Beam, he was watching the later intently noticing little things about him he had never paid attention to before, like the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiles, the way he pouts when he can't get what he wants, he noticed that he played with his earlobe when he was deep in thought, all these things Pha noticed in the thirty minutes they sat to have breakfast. Pha now knows how self centered he'd been in the past, but the things which have happened have made him realize that there is more to life than what happens to him. His friends were also part of his world and were extremely important to him.


Today is a short course day, by 4 P.M classes are over Pha does not know what to do with himself. Kit has gone to procure the equipment they will be needing. Pha is grateful that he has always been thrifty with his allowance and that he thought to open an account, all that money he's managed to save is being put to good use. 'Thanks mother and father for making up for your lack of love with money for once,' Pha thought.

Pha thought he'd get to spend this down time with Beam, but the later's mother had call during lunch break and ask Beam to meet her for dinner as she said she missed her baby and it was too long since she last saw him. After Beam dropped him off Pha had no other option than to take some time for himself. although it had barely been an hour since Beam dropped him off he was already missing the presence that had been his constant companion for the last couple of weeks.

Instead of staying cooped up in his room while waiting for Beam's return he decided to go to the mall to do some shopping. He ordered a taxi because he knew that his car was still not safe. When he got to the mall Pha didn't know where to begin, he was just walking around aimlessly when he thought he saw someone he knew, he walked in the direction of the said person being careful not to be noticed and true enough it was that person, he quickly took his cell phone from his pocket and began to record the scene that was taking place right before his eyes. Who would have thought that boredom would bring him such luck.

He did not want to risk being noticed, once the two people moved he did not follow what he'd got was juicy and also incriminating enough for him.


As Kit was leaving the electronic store he decided to go to the hospital just in case he would see Pring, this was one of the days she would normally go to the hospital perhaps his luck would change for once. Kit decided that he would not stay in the parking lot as was his habit but that he would go in to see if he could get a whiff of the rat that was plaguing his best friend. As he walked into the hospital he went to the information desk and asked if Director Wijitan was in. The nurse sitting there didn't ask any question as to his business with the man with a smile on her face she said yes he was.

"I am a medical student I study at the same uni as his daughter, she has said that her father is always willing to help students who have questions." It was not a lie Pring had wanted to appear big during orientation during their first year and said as much. The nurse began to gush about how wonderful director Wijitan was, Kit could only cringe mentally when the nurse said what a wonderful person his daughter was, always willing to help even when she had he own studies to take care of, at that Kit had to hold in a snort.

Kit does not know how he managed to keep a smile on his face while listening to the woman praise that thing they called a human being. " Do you think he would mind if I went up up to speak to for a bit?"

"Of course he won't mind student are always welcome by director Wijitan, he's not a very formal person. Go on right up hon."

"Thanks miss," He replied with a dimpled smile as he walked away. Having been to the hospital before he knew what floors the administrative offices were on. When he got there the place was empty as the secretaries had already left for the day, the only light left on was emanating from an office whose door was partially open. The conversation Kit heard made him smile, he took out his phone and immediately began to record the conversation that was going on.

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