Amazing Not On Fire (DanxKim + PhilxFaith)

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(Faith P.O.V.)

I watched Kim as she fiddled with the computer. She turns to me, her brown hair now curled and out of her face, she says, "I forgot to tell you Faith, we got invited to Vidcon! I'm going to be the presenter for both American and British vloggers and you'll be on stage with me and the others as I present you." My eyes widened, my white crooked teeth created a smile that showed pure joy. "Kim, thats great! Have you gotten to know what you are going to say?" I said to her as my green lip ring bobbs as I talked. "Well not yet cause I have to present with another Youtube vlogger from London and we need to both know what to say together." Kim said. I play with a strand of my short lilac purple hair. I dart my eyes down to the floor trying to shy my eyes away from Kim's gaze. I think she can tell something is wrong by my reaction when she said this about a british youtuber. "What's wrong?" Kim asked me concerningly. "You know how I get when meeting new people. I'm just saying maybe I shouldn't go to Vidcon... My anxiety might just make me pass out." I say trying not to look weak to her. Kim looked at me, "Faith don't say that! I am as nervous as you are believe me! But this is a chance in a lifetime to go to a place to meet all of our fans and get together with many amazing youtubers from around the world. You have to come! Please Faith-" she looked at me with her sad eyes, "Please don't bail on this. Please come with me to Vidcon." I look at the floor for a bit. Then look at her. "Fine I'll go but you have to help me record and edit a video tonight. And no BAILING on me." I smile and giggle at her. Kim smiled, "Promise."


(Kim P.O.V.)

Class has ended for the week and Faith and I were walking back to our apartment that we share. Faith had her headphones in and was  blasting The Thespian by Alesana. I was walking, thinking about Vidcon and just freaking out that it was only a week away. The summer air was not as hot as it usually is. It feels just warm and a nice breeze runs by blowing mine and Faith's hair in the wind. I can hear Faith humming along to some music that I do not recognize. That is one thing I love about her she has a wide variety of music choosing and liking. My thoughts kept drifting back to Vidcon. What if the british guy doesn't show? What if something goes wrong. Kim, don't go freaking yourself out. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! I blink back into reality and realize that I walked past the apartment and Faith was behind me looking confused. "Dude I called you like a million times, why did you keep walking?" she asked me. I looked at her, "Oh sorry I was just thinking about Vidcon." I told her. "Kim don't freak out. Come on, let's go make a video and we can go out for dinner later." I nodded and went into our apartment.  I couldn't stop thinking about Vidcon but I knew, for the sake of Faith, I should chill out. I went to go check our mail as Faith was unlocking our front door. I opened the mail and saw two envelopes. One for me and one for Faith. "Dude we both got mail." I told her. I handed her her envelope and we both opened them. It was a letter from the guys holding Vidcon and an airplane ticket. "Dude this is getting real."

Amazing Not On Fire (DanxKim + PhilxFaith)Where stories live. Discover now