Hey guys. Listen, I know must of you hate me and you have every right too.
It's been months since I've updated this book and I feel totally bad. You who enjoy Ant Farm fanfics deserve an writer that will do updates and not take forever to do them. At first I wrote this one day bc I was bored. But then I found out after a few chapter that a lot were enjoying it. So I tried to keep it going. But I haven't been able to get devoted to this like I use to be. I have ADD and I tend to want to do something then a little while something different. I can't focus and I'm sorry. I think it would be useless to keep this going bc I will be scared that I'll take forever to update and from a watt pad readers POV I know how frustrating it is for a book to take forever to update. I really am sorry and I don't know what to do.
I think the solution is to end the book so I don't disappoint anyone by having them start it then I never do anything or for everyone to wait. My option on watt pad really is to end it now or have someone else write it by making them a co author.
So I guess if you can prove to me that you can make this book as good as the readers deserve then message me on here and we will talk.
I'd really enjoy feedback on what I should do :) I really am sorry but I'm doing what I think is best for you guys and the book so please forgive me.
Thank you, xxx