Denny Disaster

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~On IPod thingamajig so hope it turns out alright..... I have a feeling I'm going to be changing the title soon so hope it turns out beautifully and my sissy just made dog squeal like a chew toy pffff, any I should start wiring.....And a quick note, it switches to 1st person~

Chapter One

"Welcome to Denny's, what would you like for your drinks?" I asked them cheerily, pasting a huge smile on my face. I was feeling extra perky today, so I tried to give the family my best service, no matter how annoying their brats were. Why the reason for my attitude? Today was Pay Day! The blessed day where I could finally pay my rent, groceries, clothing, and much need household items. And there was no way in hell I was goin to let these twerps get the better of me.

After what seemed like an eternity of them mulling over their decisions, they finally decided on what to drink. Water. All the bickering just so they could settle on water, since it was the cheaper way to go. There better a nice raise in that paycheck.

After getting them their water, they spent another good half hour deciding on what to eat. This family must be one if the cheapest scrooges in the world. Not only did they complain about the prices in front of me, the two parents decide to order from the Senior Section, even though obviously being in their mid-thirties. Their two little boys from hell were screaming for chicken nuggets. I sighed deeply inside but kept my smile on my face.

"Coming right up" I smiled at them with gritted teeth. Turning around I searched desperately for one of my co-workers.

Seeing my friend Susan filling up some coffee for an elderly couple, I waited for her to finish. As she went to the kitchen, I scurried after her. Seeing my pleading face, she shook her head no.

"Pleeeeaasee?" I whined at her giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

"Nope, no way, nada, zip"

"But but-"

"Last time I took your customer, it was a pervy old dude who wouldn't stop trying to get into my pants, he even patted my ass!"

"But Susie-"


I sighed, knowing she wouldn't budge. "Fine" I grumbled, turning away and grabbing the family's meal, trudging out of the door. Besides, they weren't that bad......

10 Minutes Later

I swung open the kitchen door, nearly knocking Susan off her feet. Looking at me, she started bursting out in fits of laughter. "Shut up!!" I yelled at her, stomping towards the bathroom.

Apparently the little devil children decided they didn't want chicken nuggets when I left. So instead of saying "I changed my mind" they thought it would be easier to throw to food at me, making me drenched with ketchup and barbecue sauce, with some chicken nuggets and French fries stuck in my hair.

Grumbling to myself I tried to clean myself as best as possible, pulling out the random dinosaur in my hair. After doing the best I could, I stepped out of the bathroom, asking Susie to check if I missed anything. She looked at me intensely, the suddenly reached into my hair, grabbed a nugget, scraped of the remaining barbecue on my chin, and popped it into her mouth, giving me the thumbs up sign.

Rolling my eyes, I marched out of the kitchen to see the evil family leave. Walking over casually to their table, I finally snapped, Pay Day be damned. Rushing out the front door, I started screaming at them.


Susie quickly clamped her hand over my my mouth, dragging me back into the restaurant as she yelled apologies to the family. Standing there with shocked faces, I couldn't help but feel slightly smug. Until, I saw the look on my boss's face. Damn.

Taking off my uniform, I looked over to see Susie in tears. I smiled reassuringly at her, trying to prevent the waterworks, but it only set her off. Wailing, she grabbed me into a spine-cracking hug. Wincing slightly, I patted her on the back as she continued to sob.

"I-I-I c-can't believe y-you got f-fired" she sobbed out

"It's fine dearie, I can always get another job

Snapping her head up, she looked at me excitedly, "I know where you can get a job!!!"

"Where" I asked, not knowing whether to be happy or scared.

"It's a maid job, and you even get boarding!"

My eyes lit up with excitement. Boarding? YES! "Where where?"

"Don't worry, just let me give them a call" Pulling out her phone, she started pressing numbers. I stared at her hopefully as she waited for whoever it was to pick up. A job with boarding? Now I don't have to worry about rent! And cleaning is something I can do easily, my Father never believing in maids. I shivered at that thought. Thinking about him still gave me a sense of fear. Looking up, I noticed Susan finally getting off the phone.

"Well?" I asked her urgently

YOU GOT IT!!!! She screamed at me. We both did our happy dances, twirling in circles all over the place. Little did I realize I just accepted a job to work for Movie Star Actor Craig Thomas...

~Tada!!!!! Tired..... Need sleep or will die, and I decided to space out the conversations so you could see better who was talking, hope it didn't confuse anyone!~

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