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~Kinda tired today. And my sis is probably gonna kill me cuz I'm using her iPad to type this up while she's at the movies... Muahahahaha!!!!~

Chapter Two

Staring up at the house, I couldn't help but notice the extravagance of my employer's house. Giant columns at the front, with huge windows overlooking the front lawn, or should I say miles and miles of sprawling hills with huge pine trees. The wraparound porch circled the entire house, the white exterior giving it a innocent look. "Well, go big or go home I guess" I muttered, shaking my head in amusement.

Dragging my suitcase up the driveway, I was about to knock on the front door right when I heard a voice screech, "WAIT!!!"

Startled, I halted my movements. Looking to the side, I noticed a small elderly woman gape at me in dismay. Rushing over to me, she stared at me in anger.

"What do you think you're doing!?" she hissed.

"Ummm, sorry my name is Carriane an I'm the new-"

"I know who you are and what you're doing here" cutting me off with a wave of her hand, she continued speaking, "The actual question is, what do you think you're doing, going to the front door!?"

I looked at her confusement, she was mad at me for almost knocking on the front door?

"Excuse me?" I questioned, tilting my head to the side.

Grabbing my wrist she started tugging me off the porch, taking us around to the back of the house. Not knowing what else to do, I allowed her to drag me away. We ended at the very back of the mansion. Standing in front of two double doors at our feet, she reached down and opened one the doors. Pointing to the open space, she gestured for me to go inside.

"This is where you'll be entering for work, you will never enter through the front door, you are not important enough to go through the front door, understand?" She raised her eyebrows, waiting for my response.

I nodded my head vigorously, even though I found the idea insane. But boarding..... "Yes ma'm, understood"

Clambering down the entry, I saw a dimly lit room, with lockers surrounding the walls. Leading me over to one, she pointed to the items inside. "This is your uniform, this is your name tag, your cleaning utensils, you are expected to take care of all of your cleaning items..."

I nodded lightly, still processing the thought of working for movie actor Craig Thomas. Of all the dumb luck. If not for the good salary and boarding, I would have flat out denied the job. All I had to do was avoid him and...

"....his son."

I snapped my head back up, catching the last bit of her sentence. "I'm sorry, but could you please repeat that last part?" I tried to ask politely.

She huffed, clearly offended at being asked to repeat her words.

"I SAID that you are to stay away from Master Thomas's son Ashton, you will not look at him, and if you engage in any sexual relationship WHATSOEVER, then your job here will be terminated."

I didn't know whether to laugh at her using the word 'master' or to scoff at her for warning me to stay away from the prodigal son. What came out of my mouth turned out to be a strangled sound. I coughed quickly, covering the sound. She just stared at me blankly, not amused.

"Put on your uniform, your work starts to day, you will be cleaning the silver." She strode out of the locker room.

"Aren't we the frigid one" I muttered to myself.

Slipping out of my holey shirt and ratty jeans, I started to shrug on what looked like a maid outfit form the movies, complete with a white cap to stuff my hair in.

Looking at myself in the full length mirror, I couldn't help but think how they like to keep up appearances. Sighing, I started my way towards the 1st floor of the mansion, ready to start my first day of work. Yippee.

3 Hours Later

Finally finished with the silver, I couldn't help but feel tired and accomplished. It had taken me a good 15 minutes to find the dining room where the silverware was, and only getting there with the help of another timid maid. I almost threw my hands in the air in defeat as I saw the mounds of silverware I had to clean.

"Boarding,boarding,boarding,boarding" I muttered underneath my breath.

My mantra seemed to do the trick, as I finally completed ALL of the 150 spoons, 200 forks, and 175 knives. I did a little victory dance, fist pumping the air. I gathered all the silver and started to make my way to the kitchen, pushing open the door to the hallway, when I collided with someone's very large chest.


I fell to the floor scattering all of the silverware. I groaned, running my hand down my backside. Looking up, I was about to growl into the face of who bumped me, when my face froze.

It was Ashton Thomas. FML

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