Chapter One

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Annie's POV

Sorry about the slowish start!



I started walking to school and as soon as I got there I saw my girls hanging around under the tree that was our meeting spot.

"HEY GIRLIE!!!" Koda screamed as she attacked me with hugs.

"Hey!" I yelled back!

"Hey wazzup?" Ally and Emma chourused before bursting out laughing. All the while Christina was laughing at Emma who had fallen over she was laughing so hard.

" hey girls! it's been like, what? A whole two days since we've seen eachother?!?" I laughed.

Ally and Emma still getting over their laughing fit burst out into another chourus of giggles as Ally too fell on her knees.  I rolled my eyes and helped them to their feet.  But of course they made eye contact and started laughing again.  We started walking to class with Ally and Emma snorting and giggling behind us.  As we walked I noticed that Christina was walking around with a HUGE smile on her face and skipping a little when she walked. 

"DUDE!  Just tell us already!" I yelled at her. Everyone stopped walking.

We all stared at Christina untill she finally broke.  "Okay okay! I'll tell you! ONE DIRECTION IS COMING HERE FOR A CONCERT TOMORROW!!!"

"What!?!?!?"  we all yelled.

"YES it's true!" Christina yelled back.

I watched everyones reactions as the news sunk in. Emma fell to the ground and started whisper-shouting about presents and what not.  Ally just sat there with a grin on her face. Christina just stood there jumping up and down watching our reactions. Koda started screaming untill a teacher shused her to stop, then she started dancing around, and I, well I just stood there like an idiot the only thing goint through my mind was that I was going to see Liam. 

The bell rang and we all hugged and rushed to class.

When school got out we all crammed into my car and I drove us to my house.

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