Chapter five

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Emma's POV

I feel like no one is reading my story so if you are even enjoying this story at least one bit or want me too keep posting please comment.  Otherwise I'll probabbly stop updating. This is also probably gonna be a long chapter. Oh ChristinaDude, If ur reading this then keep reading cuz this is when u and ur husband get together!!! Also for the purposes of this story Elanor and Danielle don't exist. I love them but they just can't work into this story!



As we drove the familiar route to my house I could not help but thinking what it would be like living next to the boys. I realized that having the boys right next door meant my four best friends over my house every night for the entire vacation! YAY!!

When we got to the boys house Louis opened the door screaming "HELLO MY LOVES!" We all burst out laughing. "Hello Louis!" I yelled back.  He walked right over and gave us all a group hug and soon the other boys had joined in as well. 

We all broke off from the hug and walked inside. All the girls gasped and I just laughed. 

"Why are you laughing?" Harry said with mock hurt.

"It's because I think that this house would be perfect for hide-and-seek" I laughed.

"YES!" the boys yelled.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" Ally warned. OMG ALLY TALKED TO STRANGERS!!! I thought.

"And why is that love?" Zayn asked.

"Emmers knows this house better than ALL OF YOU!" Koda yelled.

"It's a challenge then?" Niall asked reaching out his hand.

"Yes!" I said with a grin on my face. "NOT IT!" I yelled and ran off. I heard a chourus of not-it's as I ran off and a loud "DARN!" from Harry. 

In case I haden't mentioned, I live next to this house and my family was good friends with the neighbors who lived here before the boys.  I was also best friends with the girl, Kelsey, so I know this house like I know my own. But the boys don't know that.


Louis POV

Christina and I were of course found first.  We ran but we were talking and laughing so much that Hazza found us first. We didn't care so we just sat there talking the rest of the time untill we heard him yelling upstairs. 

But before that, I really got to know Christina.  I instantly liked her when I saw the red jeans and Superman top, but now I feel like I know her.  I really like her now, but I don't know if she feels the same way. Oh well only one way to find out,

"Christina?" I asked.

"Huh? yes?" she answered.

"uh" I said scratching my head and blushing, "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked, waiting for rejection. "I mean, I you don't like me it's fine i mean, It's okay, I won't feel ba--"

"Louis, SHUT UP!" Christina insisted while giggling. "Of COURSE I'll be your girlfriend!"

"YES!" I shouted with the biggest smile on my face. CHristina laughed but I didn't care. I just put my arm around her shoulders as we went to figure out what Hazza was up to.


Emma's POV

I ran to Kelsey's old room and ducked into the secret compartment we made in the closet.  Judging by the clothes in here it must be Niall's new room.  I heard someone run in and hide in the pile of clothes next to the compartment's door.

"hello?" I whispered.

"Emma?" clearly Niall whispered, "where are you?"

I giggled when I heard the fear in his voice. "there's a secret compartment next to you" I whispered back.

"let me in Hazza's coming" he urgently whispered.

"fine" I muttered and opened the door. As soon as he climbed in I realizedwhat a small space it was. Our faces were so close to gether it was all I could do to keep from kissing him at that moment.


Niall's POV

I couldn't believ it when Emma let me into the secret compartment.  It was a tight fit but I didn't mind. I was just happy.  When Emma first ran into us I took one look at her and was stunned.  The only thing going through my mind was just how beautiful she was.  While hazza searched I finally got up the courage to ask Emma.

"Emma, Will you be my girl?" I whispered.

"Yes!" she whisper-shouted back and I could hear the smile in her voice.

Harry stoped moving. We held our breath and when we heard him start moving again we bolth let out a sigh of relief. 

"HA CAUGHT YA!" Harry screamed as he jumped into the closet. We instantly got silent, "What? I thought I heard two sighs!"

"you did." i said. Who said We couldn't tease little Hazza before we came out.

"Emma?" Harry asked.

"No it's Niall." Niall answered.

"Did you find them yet?" seven voices asked. I guess Harry found everyone already.

"I did but I cant find them!" Harry cried.

"Emmer, Niall where are you?" Koda asked as she too started searching. 

"we're over here!" Niall and I bolth yelled at the same time.

"THE COMPARTMENT!" I heard Ally and Christina yell.

"Crap, I forgot I told them about that!" I cried as Ally opened the door and pulled the two of us out.

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