Chapter eight

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I know Louis' sister's name is not Ameena!

This song is completely irrelevant to the story but I think you all should listen to it.

Ally's POV


I started to walk into the room when I heard Zayn,

"She dosn't like me." I hesitated and decided to stay put.  Harry started telling him off and it took me a second to figure out who they were talking about; ME!!!  I felt like I was floating on air. Zayn Malik likes meeee! I screamed in my head. I kept happy dancing untill Louis broke into the house.

"Hey guys meet my sister, Ameena!" It, couldn't be...

"hey guys!" I heard the familiar voice: IT WAS!!!

"AMEENA!!!!!!" I burst into the room and tackled the poor girl. Everyone just stared at me like I was crazy, especially Louis.

"Ally??" Ameena cautioned, "OMG IT IS YOU!!!!!"   We hugged untill Harry cleared his throat.

"Would anyone care to explain?" Christina asked as she walked over to Louis.

"AHHH!" I yelled. okay I'm being too myself today, but I couldn't stop, "Ameena and I met at camp! You girls know how I go to Europe for two weeks every summer right?" they nodded. "Well, Ameena and I met like what? four years ago? Yeah about that." We hugged and Ameena continued,

"We've been in the same cabin ever since and not we're great friends!" and we did our handshake.


Niall's POV

Emma and I walked in the house and we saw Christina and Louis holding hands, their arms tangled together, Zayn and Harry muttering to eachother and elbowing eachother, and Ally and Louis' sister hugging eachothers brains out.

"Hi Ameena?" I said it coming out more of a question then a greeting.

"Hey Nialler!" she answered.

"Awww!" Louis screamed. "Are the two love birds back already?  You didn't do anything naughty did you?"  Emma and I started laughing and denying it.


Koda's POV

We walked into the living room  still wearing our bathing suits and carrying towels. Niall and Emma looked just as confused as Annie and I even though they were laughing. We saw Ally hugging some random girl and Harry and Zayn having some silent fight.

"What the heck is gouing on here??" I asked.

"Hey guys I'm Ameena, Louis' sister and Ally's friend from camp. I'm here for a visit." The girl, Ameena, explained, prying herself from Ally's grasp

Harry took one look at us and screamed, "WE HAVE A POOL!?!?"

Annie winced and laughed. "you've had one, sorry for using it we just needed to get away, but It's getting late so we need to go."

"awww" everyone chourused.

"oh well, see you guys later" Emma said giving Niall a goodbye hug. He kissed her forehead and said goodbye. "Bye Ameena!"  she yelled. "girls, I'm gonna go tell my mum that you're gonna stay with us for a little while." she waved and walked over to her house.

"Where's she going?" the boys asked and I started snorting and giggling because of their confused faces. Annie started laughing at me which only made me laugh more.

"what?" Zayn asked.

"Emma lives next door." Ally explained.

"your faces!" I managed to get out before laughing more.

"Okay well Koda here clearly is tired so I must get her home." Annie said as she carried me to Emma's.


Zayn's POV

"bye" we exclaimed.

Harry finally stopped pestering me about Ally and went to show Ameena her room.

"bye guys g'nite!" she exclaimed as she was dragged upstairs by Haz.

"Bye!" we chourused.  Louis kissed Christina goodbye and she and Ally left.

"bye Ally!" I called and she winked at me and I blushed. When they left the boys burst out laughing and I ran to my room.

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