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Friends ... lemme see who said friends again ... wut friends .. friends who r only friends with u cuz u give em advices nd when u run out of em u just a dude ... friends who used to be as silent as u nd then they turned to be clowns with all this fun going on with em ... friends who dont care abt u since the sec they have new friends ? Or is it me , nd my mysterious silence nd old bored face ? But its a comparaison between me nd new friends ? Lets write it down .. they r funny m not , they always have smthng to talk abt , not me , their dirty jokes r acceptable , mine r forbidden , they always see eye to eye , i always criticize everything .. or is it cuz they r girls nd im a boy ... who knows ? No one but who can read between the lines ? I do ... so when i say they prefer them as they used to prefer me when we were friends like coffee nd cigarettes .. im the dude with one mood .. rolling like a stoner ... rolling all these blunts trynna accept the idea that we still more than friends but rlly we r just dudes rn ... Hi dude .. i miss how we were just 2 , 2 loners not 1 loner surrounded by friends nd he's not one of them ... im the one who always kills that funny vibe going on ...
Lets say im a bad friend .. im a problem to friendship then why she accepted me to be her bestfriend when she knows that she gon switch lanes one day .. or is it a betrayal like xans .. xans gone fake u xans gon picture the sweetest life to u then gon destroy it all in a blink of an eye ... look at their eyes , u can tell she happy af when she's around em .. WHO R THEIR FRIENDS THO ? my ex that she used to hate her nd another random girl ... is it cuz she a tomboy or she's doubting her sexuality nd always talks bout boobs nd booty ?? THAT turns to the meanest joke ever when i say it ... so a friend is a snake , same concept .. getting closer nd closer with the white flag announcing peace nd love but then gon poison u with that shit nd u wake up friendless ?? Why she talks abt her 24/7 nd not even a single mention for me ? Why they go out nd hang out 24/7 nd im a leftover ? Like at a certain point in our friendship i had the idea of getting a tattoo about her on my body , referencing our endless friendship that turn to be a 1year lasting frienship .. FRIENDS LMAO .. my only friends r cigarettes .. they didnt leave my hand for more than half a day
Where were they when u were going through the deepest shit ? No fckin where , i was ur only support nd u just switched lanes on me
I could have wrote it better than this nd turned to an amazing piece of writing with events nd characters nd shit but thats just how bad i am without my friends

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