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in this particular draft ill share with u some of the moments i lived last year and they r sooo far from any drugs or some mental breakdowns cuz i don't wanna glorify my hard times anymore , this will be some raw and pure feelings based on some situations i went through with ppl who made it into my circle once or still in it , and im only doing it cuz basically m living on memories these days nd reality is killing me , so enjoy this wavy ride if u want 

the very first memory m gonna tell u abt might sound stupid for some but it means something to me , so it was a late summer night , more precisely in june after midnight , i was with this particular girl who m trynna make it back into her life now , it doesn't matter cuz m talking abt past , we were storming the streets with nothing but lights nd stars around us , she was my gf if u wondering nd it was kinda late so i figured that we gotta go home , i told her that but she was like let's spend another 5 minutes or smthng so we did , then it was time to go , so we hugged nd it was everythin except a hug , it was my longest hug i guess , it started with a goodbye hug but no one wanted to leave rlly , everytime one of us trynna go the other be like lemme just hug u for few more seconds and it lasted for 5 minutes or so , on lord i was feeling like m holding the whole life , couldnt ask for more , we under the stars but m feeling like m one of em , that was some raw nd pure feelings flowing around us , if u capture it and add asap rocky's LSD in the background , u'll easily win the oscars cuz everyone will feel it , it's not just a hug but more likely one lost soul who just found the missing piece so trynna hold to it as much as he can ... probably the girl won't even remember shit cuz too many things have changed 

Now back to reality , ive been high everyday nd telling her that we'll hug again , some emotional shit but i couldnt do anythin especially today , dunno why , maybe cuz she so silly abt it like " u don't wanna hug me now ?" or maybe cuz i prefer to be alone wih her in these intimate moments cuz her peers are always aorund , it doesn't matter wut reality has to offer , im just living in the shadows of my memories lol 

Peace , Im out   

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