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"Noo!",I screeched when I saw a dagger rip straight through my mom's chest.She collapsed straight to the ground,clutching her chest,she yelled "Run,Noah!"

I felt tears stream down my cheeks and sadly I couldn't help it.My mother was lying helpless
before me,how on earth could I stop those tears of mine?

"Run",she screamed,now more blaring than ever."Now-",she couldn't complete her sentence as her body gave up and her eyes fluttered shut.

I ran as fast as I could.I wasn't bothered about the direction.I just knew that I was required to run.I ran into the woods,I ran through the bushes and the thorns,not concerned that one of those pricky thorns could hurt me.I finally arrived at a clearing.I gave up and collapsed onto the ground.

I couldn't take it anymore.My family was dead,everything was devasted and I had no hopes of living.

Suddenly warm arms got wrapped around me.I was unable to identify to whom those arms belonged as I lost consciousness.......


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