Chapter 1:The Beginning

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'Love isn't a feeling,it's an attraction of souls'

Noah's POV

"Ring!",the Alarm clock screamed at exact 6:30 in the morning.Sometimes I think of breaking this damn thing into pieces.But again,if I do it,I would shatter my seventh alarm clock this year.

I pressed the snooze button and buried my head in the pillow again.I can afford sleeeping for more five minutes.After all,more five minutes wouldn't hurt.

"Noah!",a shrill voice made its way into my ears.I tilted my head in the direction of the voice slightly only to see a pissed and furious Drake.

"Please,more five minutes?"

"Its 6:40 already,now get your butt out of that damn bed and get together for school."

"6:40!?",I exclaimed and questioned at the same time.I was completely awake now given the fact that I had only twenty minutes before the school kicks off.

I promptly sprang out of my bed and dashed towards the bathroom.I took a quick bath and put on my full sleeved black jacket,I not only like it,but it covers most of my scars.

Subsequently,I sported a dark blue coloured jeans and rushed out.

I galloped towards the hall.I saw Drake and Mark having breakfast on the dining table sitting in one corner of the hall.

"Hey,eat it up.We need to go!Now!",Drake grumbled the moment his eyes perceived me.

"Food can wait!First we need to go!",I retorted.

"Well then..."
Drake rushed towards me and got a hold of my hand.
"....lets go."He concluded his sentence while taking me out of the house towards his white ford.

The day when I lost my family,my house,everything,Drake found me.When I was lying unconscious at the clearing,he took my form to his home.From then,I became a member of their family.Drake and Mark are best friends.Mark has completed his graduation and works as a slave in a hype group.

Approximately a century ago,there were no hypes on this planet.Everyone used to live a free,happy and content life.But one day,everything changed.Our planet was attacked by hypes.Hypes are supernatural species that are basically robots.Their outer look is completely similar to humans but in reality they are poles apart.Not like they are immortal or anything,they have the same lifespan as that of humans.But they are more powerful than humans,they can easily destroy the whole human species to extinction but they prefer to rather treat them as slaves.They have two forms,one form is like humans and the other one is robotic.

Humans aren't allowed to impart education.According to hypes,humans aren't required to acquire knowledge as they are only treated as slaves.Still,the institute where I and Drake study confidentially provides education to humans because they think education should be for everyone.

Earlier,they used to inhabit on the planet of Crypton.But Crypton was quite a small planet.Comparatively,earth was big,so Hypes decided to attack earth.They attacked earth a hundred years ago.The humans were taken by surprise.The humans were nothing more than moths as compared to hypes.The hypes effortlessly subjugated the earth,coerced humans to be slaves and if one declines to do so he would be instantly killed.All rights were stolen from humans.Now humans have no rights whatsoever.

"Run,we can make it!",Drake blurted out as we got out of his car.It sounded more as a question.He himself doubted that we could make it on time.We arrived at the gate.We parted ways and dashed towards our respective classrooms.

I rushed through the corridors,and into the class.

"Mst.Petrakis,you are late!",a shrill voice of professor Mr.Collins entered my ears.He was glaring at me,shooting daggers in my direction.

"Sorry",I retorted,almost a whisper.

"Take your seat."

Thank god he didn't punish me or anything.I advanced towards my seat.

Lectures were just.....boring.They sucked a lot!Never did I loved the History lecture which I am currently attending.No matter how hard I tried to pay attention,I just.....couldn't.I started skteching,making random pictures of anything that came into my mind,yup,I love skteching and painting,I am so over it.I startedIt just
The sound of a bell ringing loud brought me back to my senses.



'Raging Cajuns',those words sent chills down my spine.Raging Cajuns is one of the most dangerous hype groups in the world.Though the name sounds a tad childish,trust me when I say that they are dangerous.Everyone started running towards the door.I,too followed their actions.I gushed out,and the sight before me shocked me to the core.

There were hundreds of dead bodies scattered all over the polished wooden floor.The walls were painted with blood.Warriors of the Raging Cajuns were killing everyone.Cries of students being brutally slayed were echoing in my ears.Tears rolled down my cheeks as my eyes took in the horrible scene.

"Noah,run!",Drake yelled while charging towards me.

"Ru-",his sentence was left incomplete as an arrow hit him straight in the eye.

"Ahhh",he screamed in pain.

"Run Noah",he said.
More tears got added to my previous ones.Even given this situations,he thinks about me first.Such friends are born once in a century.He is the best friend one could ask for.I don't even think I deserve him.

He detached the arrow from his eyes.The arrow was completely engulfed with blood.His right eye was cleaved into two pieces,how painful it could be.

Another arrow smashed him.But this time,it hit him straight in his back.It could see its tip pop out slightly through his heart.He clutched his chest and slumped down onto the ground.I crouched to his level in order to make proper eye contact with him.Tears continously flowed down and my cheek was completely drenched.

"This is my end,I guess",Drake said while looking me through his left eye.It seemed that he was now finding it difficult to breath.His breathing was rough and he was trying real hard to keep his eyes from being shut.

"Promise me...",he stated,"that you won't blame yourself for my death."

"I won't",I promised.

He gave me a faint smile before finally death took over him and his eyelids fluttered shut.Silent sobs escaped me as I saw his cold, dead body lying before me.

I immediately dashed towards the exit of the building.Luckily,there was no one to stop me.There were corpses scattered everywhere.I recognized some of their faces.Some of those were my classmates,friends,they were all slained.I recognized one of those faces,it was Mr.Collins,it was hard to recognize him given the fact that his head was chopped into half and his face was fully covered with blood.Tears again filled my eyes,he was the one who scolded me just a few hours ago and now......

I finally found the exit.I used all of mystrength to push myself to the exit.My chest was aching like hell.My legs were sore,still somehow I managed to reach the exit.....

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