Chapter 4:Sorry

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Ava's POV

I was tapping the table with my finger,waiting for the coffee.I needed one desperately.The last few days have been stressful,there are a lot of things I have to look into.One of the biggest issue is that the population of our hype group has been increasing faster over the recent years.Our group ranks the first amongst all the groups in country.And I was required to find enough housing space for them as soon as possible.A small knock on the door pushed me out of my thoughts,the knock was almost inaudible,however,I caught it.

"Come in",I ordered.

In came a boy to whom I was acquainted to a few days ago.He stood beside the door,pressing himself against the wall opposite to me.

"C-Coffee",he stuttered.

I tapped my finger at the corner of the table,eye-signalling at the same time to place it there.

He took my signal and placed it with shaky hands before returning back to his spot beside the door.The next few minutes went in awkward silence,with me typing furiously on my laptop,the details of some documents,while he had his gaze fixed on the floor beneath.I could tell he was nervous,he was fiddling with his jacket,I noticed that he did that often.Well,I had given Niall a shirt with a jeans,but then why is he wearing a jacket?Why is he always wearing full sleeved jackets?The first time when I saw him yesterday,then too he was wearing a jacket.Shaking my head slightly,I brushed away the thoughts.Who cares what he wears?

I took the coffee with my free hand spontaneously typing with the other.I forced the fluid inside,unlike the other,this coffee was much better.I consumed it before setting the cup on the desk again.

He made a move to pick the coffee but the cup slipped off his hands and the next thing I knew,the cup was on the ground divided into two pieces...or maybe three?

"Don't you even understand how to handle a cup?",I said,my voice booming in the room.

"S-sorry",he retorted,his voice barely above a whisper.

"You'll be punished",I said as I got hold of his hand and roughly pulled him out of the room.

Noah's POV

Ava pulled me through the corridors,her grip on my hand so tight,it would definitely leave a bruise there.At the same time,it sent sparks through my body.I had a difficult time keeping up with her pace.We rounded a corner and we descended down the stairs.It was amusing that I haven't noticed anyone,the corridors are full empty,even the sound of a pin hitting the ground can be clearly heard.After what felt like ten minutes?She finally opened the door,she shoved my little body in.Damn,I cursed my height.My 5'7 figure was so small compared to her 6'1.A acrid smell greeted my nostrils.I looked around and found that this is the worst condition a room could be in.There were bloodstains on the walls,along with scratches and holes at some spots.She again seized my hand and pulled me.She tied my right hand to a rope such that my hand was hung above my head.She did the same with the other,same was done with my legs so that my body was spreaded out like a cloth pulled from all sides.But the only difference is that I am not cloth to be pulled.

Turning around,she headed for the door without giving me a glance.

Was it all?

My question was answered by a green gas gushing out of an opening in the corner of the room,which I hadn't noticed.

Soon the room was almost filled with gas and my lungs were finding it difficult to inhale.I struggled for oxygen and black spots clouded my vision.This is it.I definitely ain't gonna make it out alive.

Alas!,I surrendered myself to the darkness.

I tried very hard to open my eyes,but to no avail.Just then a searing pain erupted throughout my bady.Every part if my body was sore.What the hell was in thatIt was then my ears caught the sound of someone walking in.The cinnamon and mint smell told me it was Ava.I inhaled her scent and,as cliché as it may sound,but it helped me feel relaxed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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