Chapter 2:The First Encounter

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Noah's POV

I bolted through the exit.And the scenery that materialized before me,fully traumatized me.

Drake was on the ground clutching his chest and coughing out blood.Tears again blurred my faculty of sight as my eyes took in the grim scene.My eyeballs were completely sore because of all the crying today.

Without delay,I plunged towards his helpless form.

"Mark,you okay?",I knew he wasn't but....

But it was too late.Mark was already dead.His cold green eyes,which once contained joy and liveness were now utterly blank.

"Please Mark,speak something,tell me you are alive.Please",I pleaded his cold body but he won't retaliate.I knew he won't.

The misery in my voice was replaced with vexation as I screeched,"Who the hell killed him?"

"I",a voice like a foghorn invaded my organs of hearing.

I turned in the direction of the voice only to see a girl,probably seventeen or eighteen years of age.

Her Amazonian figure sat well on her wafer thin body.She had a decanter shaped waist and her complexion had an impeccable,ochrous hue.Her pencil thin eyebrows eased down gently to her black beetle's-leg eyelashes.A sculptor could not have fashioned her seraph's ears and pixile's nose any better.She had Venus-Red nails and her nougat brown hair were filed to perfection.Spools of it plunged around her photogenic face and hid a swan's neck,elegant and smooth.I loved her nebulous,choclate brown eyes which were a sparkle.Her calamine pink lips were the most beautiful lips one could ever have.Her vougish clothes still kept captive an aroma redolent of cinnamon and meadow-fresh mint.

She was Ava Pierce,the one who was afraid of no one.But yet,the whole continent was scared of her.Even I was a little afraid of her.But that didn't matter now,for she had murdered my best friend.Mark was the only family I had,given the fact Drake was terminated just a few hours ago.

"How dare you kill my friend?You foolish moron",I shrieked.

Ava's POV

His jet-black hair were coiffed to perfection.His eyes had the same startling clarity as a mountain stream and the lineaments of his face were in perfect proportion to each other.He seemed moulded from a different caste as he had an androgynous look uncommon to most people.Lacquered and enamelled by the sun he radiated energy and brio.His mountain peak cheekbones appeared chiselled into shape by a master craftsman.They were of such sharp contours,it looked as if they were sculpted and pared to perfection.With eyes as bright as spellbinding as lode stars,they bewitched all those who fell under his steady gaze.They were a sparkle with mirth and shone like two eternity blue-jewels enwrought in snow.

I quivered my head slightly to shake off that thoughts.What was I thinking?He just called me a moron.No one had called me that before.No one even had the nerve to do that.

"Do you know whom you are referring to?",I catechized,my voice sharp which made him panic.

"Y-Yes,I yes-know-I",He was trembling upon words because of terror.

He closed his eyes shut,I don't know why,after an instant,he unlatched them.

"Go to hell,you bitch,you just slaughtered my friend,I don't know you nor your fucking business,I just want my friend back!",he babbled out.

This time I was really furious,my blood was boiling and I couldn't control my rage.I don't know why,but his words hurt me a little.Why is this happening?Why am I hurt by the words of some random human?I don't know why,but I could sense his feelings.It hurt to see him with puffy red eyes.But why?

"I will kill you if you utter even a single word more",I warned him.

"Then go ahead,kill me,thats the only thing you -."

Noah's POV

"Enough",she yelled before I could finish

I could see her body shaking violently.Her hand began changing its colour from peach to silver,the same continued all over her body until all I could see is a silver woman standing before me.Her silver body shone under the vibrant sun.Her soft skin hardened into iron.Her metal body was so beautiful,even god could fail to sculpt such a beautiful body.She was a complete miracle!There was no brown in her eyes anymore,they had a light shade of blue,which completely matched with mine.It was no longer when I realized that she was now transformed into her robotic form.I angered her so much.But still,whatever I unfolded was just a true fact,a true fact which she was denying.She did felt bad when I spoke those locutions,but she was trying to hide it.I could see the grief and anguish clearly in her eyes.I could however,sense the connection between us,whenever our eyes met,it felt like I could see through those green ones of her (which are now blue).

She raised her hand in my direction,so that her palm was facing me.There was a small hole on that metal palm of hers,which glowed with blue colour in an instant.

Then do I realized she was about to fire.This is it.This is where it all ends.I lost my family,Drake,Mark,everything, now it is my turn.

Then only do I realized a huge ball of lightning dashing towards me and no sooner than it hit me I was on the ground.My chest was throbbing badly and there was a continous flow of blood from it.It was the last thing I knew as my consciousness was continously slipping away......


Taking my time,I unfastened my eyes only to see a dark ceiling looming over me.I tried to sit straight.

"Ow",I groaned with pain as I saw a big bandage on my bare chest.Wait!Why am I naked?Sorry,half-naked.Wait,and who changed my clothes?

I heavily blinked my eyes and scenes of the past flashed reminding me what had happened before I was knocked out.I doubted how was I even alive.I should be dead.After all,it was a vicious blow.

I looked around and found myself seated on a bed which was lying in a corner of a room painted full red.This room had nothing except a bed,door an exclusive window and a bathroom.

'Knock',a loud knock sounded on the door which startled me.I pulled on my jacket and went towards the door.

Who could it possibly be?

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