Chapter 3:The Coffee

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Noah's POV

I scrambled out of the bed and brought myself to hold the knob.Who could it be?Should I open the door?There was a knock on the door once again,before I twisted the knob to face a girl.

She was the same girl,or should I say hype?Yeah,the same hype who was the reason for me being unconscious,none other than Ava.Her sight sent chills down my spine.It reminded me how brutally she had nearly ended my life.It was a miracle that I was alive.

I closed the door in a flash!

Ava's POV

The door closed with a loud thud.I was left staring at the brown door,dumbstruck.What the hell happened to him.I knocked the door again.

No reply.


No reply.

Truly fustrated this time,I knocked for one last time.

No reply.

Thats it,I kicked the door hard,so that the door went flying across the room,revealing a boy (Noah)in the left corner of the room.

He was drenched in his own tears and it seemed that he had come to the point when your eyes completely go dry due to crying.He had his hands wrapped around his legs,as if they could give him protection.He pushed himself against the wall,trying to get as far as possible from me.But for the fact the wall couldn't swallow him or anything,he could go back anymore.He had made a pretty kettle of fish.

His eyes were watery with tears but he was trying his best to hold them back.That one thing always broke my heart,to see him cry.I brushed away the thoughts,why should I care for him,after all,he's a pathetic human I stopped halfway,realizing that it only further scared him.Talking with him would only prove useless given that he is so scared.I turned back and took small steps towards the door.When suddenly I halted in my tracks as my mind came up with an idea.

"From now,you are my slave!Report tomorrow at four in the morning",without checking his reaction,I walked out.

Noah' POV

I was left with nothing but utter shock,fully petrified.The last sentence did nothing but terrified me even more.'From now,you are my slave',her voice echoed in my mind.My eyes,again got drenched with my tears as a new set of tears filled them.Being the slave of such a human was the last thing I would do.Well,not completely human in the sense,but you understand...

But again,I was too afraid of her to say I won't work for you on her face.Soon I was on the bed crying my heart out in the pillow.I didn't realize when I drifted off into my dreamland.....

I woke up a few hours later.What was the time?That fool told me to report at four and she wouldn't bother to get a clock?How the hell would I know the time?I pulled off the curtains and took a look of the scenery outside.What?It was night.Have I slept that much?Sleeping isn't really my thing but my body was sore because of all the stress it has been put through the last few days.That could explain why I overslept.The scenery contained nothing but a dense forest with massive trees and thick bushes.My stomach gurgled with hunger,god!I'm starved.

A knock on the door kicked me out of my reverie.
"Come in",I stated when entered what I thought was a man,he was one.He seemed a bit older than me,but not too old.

"Time?",was my way of starting our conversation.

"Quarter to four",was his reply.

"What!",I asked but it came out as an exclamation.How long had I slept!Probably thirteen hours,or even more.

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