Chapter Two

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Where is everybody...?

Seriously, this is getting freaky it's too quiet; I dont even hear the other prisoners breathing. 

I woke up in my crate, but I believe all of the ones around me are empty. I can't tell because the lights are off. 

The fat woman from yesterday is gone, I suppose she died; they must've had to get her out with a forklift. 
My eyes slowly start adjusting to the darkness surrounding me, and I can feel how truly alone I am.

Where's Denver? 

My dad's gone. 

I wonder if my gate's open...

It is. Did they let us go? I wish there was somebody around to answer my questions but they're all just .. gone. I'm wearing the clothes I had on when they first captured my family; more importantly, I fit them. How it this possible, I grew out of these a year after I got here. Am I dreaming? I try to pinch myself but I can't; what's going on? I blink and he's there. The man who killed my family; he has me tied to my sister's crib. 

I start screaming. 

"Wake the fuck up and stop screaming!" I open my eyes and Denver is shaking me by my shoulders, about ready to slap me in the face.

There's water all over me, everything is blurry; everyone is in their crates. 

Good, it was just a dream. 

"Denver?" I rub the sleep out of my eyes. 

"You're going to get us killed; shut your trap!" he left to the other side of his cage, I blush so hard I could camouflage myself as a tomato. A guard walks up to my crate.

"Nightmare, 257?"

"Yes sir. I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"It better not. If it does... well, you know what I'll have to do. I don't want to have to do that 257." 

"Yes sir." 

"Alright; now shut up and try to stay awake. I'll fill your water." 

I crawl back over to my corner and just daze off. I don't know how long I was staring into space, but when I came back to the real world, there was a guard at my door. 


"I'm sorry, what, sir?"

"Give. Me. Everything. In. Your. Cage."

"What? Why?"

"You talked, you have to be punished. Your things will be returned to you in one to two weeks. Understood?" 

This is impossible. I can't go two weeks naked in this place! I don't even want to imagine what kind of diseases I'll get from this cage! 

But.. it's either that, or accept death for my disobedience. I strip and hand him my blanket, and pillow. I keep my food/water dishes and my uh.. restroom facility. The officer motions me toward him, I have no choice but to listen. 

He pulls me closer to him, his hand on the back of my neck, under my hair. He leans so close to me I can smell his rotting teeth on his breath when he whispers, "I hope the people around you enjoy the little peepshow while it lasts."

He laughs and walks away, I shrink into my corner and try to cover myself as well as I can with my hands and knees. I feel like everyone is staring at me; the worst part is, I'm probably right.  

Denver tries not to look at me, "I'm so sorry Vi."

"It's okay, I broke the rules, shit happens." He seems taken aback by my language, the fat woman beside me whispers, "welcome to the club kiddo." 


So thats why she's always naked. 

Well alrighty then.

I go back over to the corner closest to Denver's cage, his face is bright red. 

"Uh.. Hi"



"Nothing, just chilling here all naked and junk." 

"No I mean like... how do you feel? Do you want me to close my eyes when I talk to you? Is there any way I can help?"

"How the hell do you think I feel? I'm a teenage girl, sitting naked across from my father. How would you feel, flashing your penis at the only family you have left?"

"I- I'm sorry Violet. Here, take these. They'll help you sleep."

He handed me a few pills; I took them without asking any questions. Right now I'd be almost relieved if it was poison. 

They kick in in a matter of seconds. I barely muster up the energy to ask what he gave me. I hear a riot in the background, Denver yells at me to wake up; he keeps screaming that he's sorry. I try to tell him to stop talking before he gets killed, but I can't. I turn to him, look him in the eyes, and fall asleep. 

Everything goes black. 

Am I dreaming? I don't care. 

I just close my eyes and succumb to this dark room of sleep. 

Sweet, quiet sleep. 

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