Chapter Six

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On my way back to the bunks I should have figured something was wrong. The silence was too.. absolute. 

Denver should have been awake.

I should have known the silence was a warning. I shouldn't have left him alone, he needed me. 

I crawled to the opening of the bunks; the lights were off, so I figured he had just gotten a headache and shut them off. The room was quiet, I assumed he was asleep and came down anyways. 

After all, I could always just wake him up and force feed him. 

"Cover your eyes, bro. I have to turn the lights on."

"Violet, don't turn on the light." 

"I'm turning on the light."

"Don't turn on the fucking light!"

I turned on the light.


"Go away, Vi."

"Where the fuck are you?"

"Baby please just leave; I need to be alone, okay?"

I looked around once more, and I still didn't see him anywhere so I decided to give him want he wanted.

"I'm going to leave your food in the middle of the room, okay?"

"Okay. Violet?"


"I love you."

"Get some sleep."

He had to have been high. Randomly telling some girl you barely know that you love her is not something a sober man would do. 

And in this situation, I understood. Besides, it's just pot, what's the worst that could happen?

I turned on my heels and vacated the premises, he didn't want my company, and that was okay. In the main room, I found my family. Well, my father anyways. 
"Is Denver okay?"

"It's pretty cold, but I could live there. Why, are we moving?"

"Violet, that's not what I meant." 

"Dad, that's all you're getting out of me. Is it safe to go outside?"

"I suppose, but it's dark out there, so be careful."
"Whatever man. I won't die, okay?"

"You better not. Love you."

"Love you too, dad." 

I'm not sure how exactly I felt in that moment. For so long, I was locked in a cage, treated worse than an animal, and now.. Now I can go outside. Now I am free. 
It felt as though everything that had ever weighed on me was lifted off my chest, and I was finally able to be myself. My pulse beat through me with the energy of a thousand volts, and it took all of my self control not to sprint to the doors. I calmly walked toward them, measuring each step, counting them in my head, keeping a steady stride. 

Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw next. 

I threw open the door with such grandiose elegance everybody's gaze was thrown on me. Putting on my own show, I glanced back and grinned. 

The sky was awaiting me on the other side, and as I closed the door behind me, I knew I would never want to come back. It had the depth of a thousand oceans, the shimmering blue of my mother's eyes, the kind, welcoming embrace of silence.. The wind whipped past my ears and rustled my hair, and I felt free. For the first time in my life, I was at the will of nobody but myself. I decided to run. 

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