Chapter 5

Legends POV

I listened to the clattering of forks and knives against the now dirty empty plates that had held the tummy satisfying dinner Gwendolyn had lovingly prepared her family and I.

My hangover from the Whiskey had long faded away and I was no longer high as a kite.

I thanked Gwen for her lovely dinner and said, "I'm going to go back upstairs and relax, my feet are killing me."

Phoenix visibly flinched but no one noticed, and if they did, they refrained from saying anything.

Gwen and Malcolm bid me goodnight and Phoenix got up and followed me.

I got up to my balcony and say on the bar and grabbed a miller lite, taking a nice long swig.

I felt his presence at the edge of the doorway.

He shifted uncomfortably.

"Legend... Please talk to me."

I scoffed.

He kept begging, and I.. Well, I just kept drinking.

"Legend will you PLEASE stop drinking for 10 minutes so we can talk this out."

I turned rolling my eyes, leaning down to grab a cigarette and my lighter.

"No," I muttered.

"And why not?" He asked softly, this was the first response I had given since he arrived at the door way 15 minutes ago.

"Because I told you, I'm done with you. I really am Phoenix."

I kept my back turned to him, I didn't want to see his face, the disappointment in his eyes that's bound to be there.

I heard him sigh and walk toward me, he grabbed my shoulder and spun me to look at him.

He spread my legs just enough for him to slip between them and stand there.

I looked down and I felt one hand on my thigh and the other gently lifting my chin.

I kept my gaze off his eyes, tracing his flawless jaw line with my eyes.

He leaned in, so close to my lips, but just brushing them, a light touch that had I not been paying attention, I would have missed it.

He apologized again, and with every word, his lips brushed mine.

It was driving me crazy but I knew I couldn't let him know that.

So I put a hand on his chest and gave him a push.

"I'm not going to be another slut, a hookup, and nothing more Phoenix... I'm just not."

I put out my cig, and threw away the beer bottle and ran into my room, trying to control myself.

No tears Legend, no tears.

He's just a stupid boy,

You don't need him.

You don't.

I promise.

I leaped onto my freshly made bed and buried myself under my covers and silently wept until I fell asleep, face soaked with tears.


Phoenix's POV

I felt her push my away, and I heard her tell me she wouldn't be another one of my whores...

But she couldn't have been more wrong.

She wouldn't be just another slut..

She would be my love, my only love.

I really fucked. Up.

I honestly did..


Gwendolyn's POV

"Oh Malcolm.. What are we going to do? They won't even look at each other. She's pissed off and I don't know why and our boy won't say," I shout in disbelief.

Malcolm says nothing, he's just reading the paper from this morning.

"MALCOLM, WILL YOU, FOR GOD'S SAKE, PUT THE DAMN PAPER DOWN?! IM TRYING TO BE CIVIL AND TALK BUT YOU ARENT HELPING" I scream at him, our marriage is on the rocks and I'm just over all his bullshit.

I might ask for a divorce soon but I don't know if I want to do that to Phoenix.. Poor kid. He thinks everything is okay.

"Fine. What Gwen, it's their relationship, let them be."

"I'm... I'm just trying to make sure he doesn't end up like us.."

I sighed, why my marriage.. We were always so happy..

What ever happened..

*Gwens Flash Back*

I walked into the house, after a long day of shopping for Christmas Presents, and went to bring them into mine and Malcolm's bedroom to keep them away from Phoenix.

I slung open the door and dropped everything, my bags, my jaws, my purse, everything.

There, in my bed, where we made our son, was my husband of many years, and some busty brunette on top, fully displayed, hair a mess from the events I'm sure they've shared for hours.

I was gone a long time, and man I wish I hadn't come back.

If it weren't for Phoenix I would leave right now and file for divorce.

And that's it.

He's 12 now, and I couldn't do that.. He needs a father figure..

*back to present time*

*Phoenix's POV*

I rushed down the stairs to talk to my mom, and I found her red in the face and my dad unaffected.


Maybe she was just ranting or something.

"Guys I need help.. I fucked it up with her really badly.. She hates me.." I said

I slumped to the floor, whimpering "she really hates me" before breaking down Into sobs, passing out on the living room floor, leaving my parents utterly confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2014 ⏰

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