knocked to fuck out

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It has been two weeks since my encounter with Fabio,  I have not seen nor have I heard from him. Some times I catch myself wondering what he was or where he was,  I mean after all what the guy did too me you would think that I hate him but no. I grave for him for his touch the way his lips on my made me feel alive and the way he caress my skin were electrical. I.was in one relationship before and even though we kissed many of times this kiss was different,  it was more pleasurable it almost felt like I was going to get an orgasm right there and then.  Yes I was at the lowest of the lowest when it come to these kind of things because I was a virgin but I had an idea of the way I wanted to feel. At nights I would touch myself and see Fabio in front of me but I never came, I lack the skills needed to pull off such an experiment.

As I woke to the sound of my alarm clock I stretch my hand over the bed place my hand on the clock and threw it against the fucking wall. Just when I was getting the best fucking morning sleep ever, why is it you enjoy sleeping in the morning the most. I am between sleep and wake when I heard knocking agaisnt my door, I got out of bed and hurry to the door. I frooze at the sight infront of was Fabio what the fuck?  "what do you want?  "

He look stunning in his white dress shirt and black dress pants. He was staring at me. Why was he staring at me ? then he looked away. " I'm sorry am I interrupting something "

"yh my sleep  " Why does he look so uncomfortable, do I look that bad......and then I remember that I only slept in my dark red lace bra and panty. I was embrasse but I was not going to make him know that. I mean I had a wicked body toned and everything but when it comes to people seeing me like this well lets just say its an thing.  I'm play it cool I told myself and laugh inwardly, opening the door wider I motion for him to come in. He stood there for a seconds too lon for my liking so I turned around and walked to the kitchen swaying my hips more than I would normally do.

If am going to keep up this act i'm going to need coffee. As I began to make the coffee I heard Fabios foot step enter into the kitchen and he sat by the island bar. " coffee?" I asked

"yh black one sugar  "  I look around for my foot stool to reach for two mugs out of the cupboard and thats when I lost balance and fall to the ground, blackness took over immediately .

*beep......... beep ......beep*  what was that sound, uhh why does my hurt so much?    I tried to swallow but something was in my throat, my throat its so dry. I tried to move but it was a lost cause "how long is she going to be like this, its killing me that she is not moving"

Was that Fabio I heard speaking?

"I don't know if she will ever pull through this coma "

"Don't say that I will not fucking loose her " Who her is he talking about and then I went into blackness again.

I opened my eyes to white ceiling and one fucked up headache, I felt tingles run up from my hands to the core between my thighs. A head was resting against my thighs and some hand held my hands. I move my left hand to the persons head to get their attention he stir and looked up at me. Pulling the tube out my throat I said

"Fabio? " but it only came out as a whisper

" Yes baby am here"

"Where am I? "

"Your in the hospital baby "

"How did I get here , what am I doing long have I been here ? "

he hurried over to be and press a button which I guessed was to alert the doctors. "you fell and hit your head I brought you here after you were not responding to me and you have been out for two months. "

What the fuck did he say?

No no no started to shake my head in denial I tried to breath but it was pointless the last thing I saw was a man in white.

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