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The wind howled causing the tall green grass to tremble, tickling the brown and white tom's belly. He stood firm against the wind. The sky was dimly lit by his and many other cat's ancestors. His amber eyes glowed as he glanced around, taking in his surroundings. There wasn't much to take in though, grass as far as the eye could see was all there was. The tom smiled as a familiar orange and white patched tom appeared in front of him, covered in stars. A white she-cat with small black ears stood next to him. Her bright blue eyes pierced the brown tom like a thorn. "Greetings Brightstar, Smallears. Strange for you to want to talk during such peaceful times." The tom smiled but he was suspicious and curious as to why a past medicine cat wanted to speak with him. Tree clan had been growing strong since last leaf-bare. He hoped this was nothing more than just a friendly visit.

"Peace doesn't last forever, Robinstar." Brightstar's eyes were clouded.

"Tree clan has had nothing but prosperity!" Robinstar's fur stood up on his neck.

"Tree clan's future is full of troubles." Smallears warned.

"We are more prepared for leaf-bare this time." Robinstar defended his clan.

"Your allies will become your enemies. You cannot rely on the other clans this time Robinstar." Smallears told him.

Robinstar stared at the she-cat in disbelief. He feared for his clan's future. Was this leaf-bare going to be really as bad as Smallears made it sound? Were the other clans going to ignore them? The clans had always came together to help before. He knew never to become friends with any clan but Robinstar made sure not to make many enemies either. Would they watch Tree clan fall without lifting a paw?

"Do you remember the life I gave you when you became leader?" Brightstar asked.

"Of course I do!" Robinstar answered.

"I told you to use it when your clan needs you most. They will look to you and you will need to have the courage to lead them." Brightstar explained to him.

"I understand, Brightstar." Robinstar bowed his head to the tom.

Robinstar slowly faded away, back to the waking world. He would find himself lying in his den with specks of sun pouring into his den as the sun rose. Brightstar and Smallears sighed in union, they too feared for Tree clan. They once called the clan home until Star clan came calling. Brightstar was Robinstar's predecessor while Smallears had been Brightstar's medicine cat until her apprentice took over.

"Straightforward as always, Smallears." Brightstar smiled.

"You would have taken too long to get to the point." Smallears snapped.

"You're the only medicine cat ever to speak so bluntly." Brightstar meowed.

"I didn't tell him everything." She corrected him.

"Why not?" He questioned.

"They've got to learn how to help themselves. We did our job when we were alive." She explained.

"If I had known dying was going to be this boring then I would have spent my nine lives more wisely." Brightstar sighed. 

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