1- Beginning

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Hermione Gaunt's eyes glittered at the sight of the beautiful Hogwarts Express on platform 9 3/4.

She admired the train and smiled as she remembered her mother telling her how beautiful is was. She tightened the grip on her luggage and the cage that held her beautiful owl Crookshanks. She sighed nervously and looked up at her parents.

"You are going to be fine dear Hermione" Her mother said reassuringly smiled.
"What if they don't like me?" Hermione asked worryingly, pouting at her parents.

"Now don't say that darling, you are the most beautiful and charming person I've ever met! Everyone would love you" Her father said, proudly looking at his daughter. Her mother patted her head making young Hermione giggle.

"Don't forget to write to us dear. Now go on, you do not want to be late. We love you sweetie" Hermione nervously smiled and walked towards the entrance of the train. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before stepping to the train. She looked back, and waved with a big smile.
"I love you too!" She called back.

Inside, she searched for an open corridor and to her dismay, found that all had been filled. She stumbled across to the last one and saw that there was space for more people. Inside, she saw a pale boy with a striking blond hair and grey eyes. She smiled and opened the doors.

"Hello can I sit here?" The boy nodded cautiously at her.
"I'm Hermione Gaunt, and you are?"
"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" the boy replied confidently.

His name rang a bell in her head. She wondered if it may be father's many friends.

"You're our kind right? Since you're a Gaunt?" He asked, a little more relaxed.

"A pure blood?" He nodded. Hermione nodded but wondered why some people were so blood prejudice. Her mother had said that blood was something one can not control, therefore should not judge other by it.

On the other hand, her father warned her not to associate herself with blood traitors or muggle-borns, which she particularly didn't see the reason why.

"Even if I don't see the problem of talking to people such as muggle borns , you must not say or act anything like this outside. Our family's reputation is very important for your father" Hermione's mother would warn.

Hermione had always been a good child. So as promised, she rarely gave her opinions about muggle borns or blood traitors in public.

"Which house do you think you're going to be in? Most people don't know, but my father and mother were a Slytherin" the blond informed proudly.

"Well, my father and mother were a Slytherin too and I too want to be a Slytherin" Hermione replied friendly to the boy.

"Imagine being a Hufflepuff, I would leave Hogwarts wouldn't you?" Draco whispered, scrunching his nose. Hermione giggled at his statement and nodded.

"Gaunt, Hermione" Professor McGonagall called, looking through her tiny glasses. Hermione quickly glanced at Draco, who now was her new friend. He gave a reassuring nod and she slowly squeezed her way between her now fellow classmates.

She sat down on the stool and took a deep breath. Her heart sped up in unusual rhythms making her tremble.

"Hmm" The sorting started. She monitored her breathing and raised her head, just like how her father taught her to do. To show power, confidence, and arrogance. "Another Gaunt, must be.... SLYTHERIN!" The hat's voice echoed making her grin. The Slytherin table erupted in cheers and she skipped over, stationing herself to a chocolate brown haired girl.

"Pansy Parkinson" The girl offered her hand which Hermione gladly shook.
"Hermione Gaunt" The girl smiled back at her before quickly turning her attention back to the sorting.

"I'm Blaise Zabini" The boy in front of her introduced.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Hermione Gaunt" She replied.

"Malfoy, Draco" She heard Professor McGonagall's ice cold voice, making her turn around. Draco walked upconfidently and sat down on the stool. The hat had barely touched his platinum blond hair before announcing that the young Malfoy was a Slytherin. 

He smirked and walked over to the table, placing himself next to Blaise. Hermione looked around, zoning all the noise out.

"Let the feast begin!" She heard Dumbledore clap. She gasped when she saw the extravagant food appear in front of her.

She quickly placed some mashed potatoes on her before devouring the delicious food. She looked around, pleased to see that everyone at the Slytherin table seemed to have perfect manners. One of her many pet peeves were messy eaters.

"You see that red head over there, that's Ron Weasley" Pansy said, her words dripping with disgust.
"The blood traitor?" A dark skinned boy asked, who Hermione soon learned was Theo.

Hermione scrunched her nose when hearing the foul word. What was the problem of treating each other like equals?  She looked up and scrunched her nose again when she saw the terrible manners the boy had.

"Can he not stop eating?" Hermione asked in disgust when she saw that he had two chicken legs in his hand, chewing with his mouth open, and talking to the other Gryffindors.

"He's probably hungry, the Weasleys are poor. They can't even afford school supplies, how pathetic" Draco sneered. Hermione shrugged and went back to eating her dinner. 
New book! Thank you so much for reading!!

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