8- tower

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The pillow sized clouds covered the golden sun, letting droplets fall from them. They splattered onto the ground in rhythms like music.

The rain smelled sweet. She deeply inhaled the fragrance, closing her eyes to think. It smelled crisp and fresh. She could smell the bruised grass below her and the peculiar smell of wet stone of the astronomy tower.

Oh how much she loved the rain.

She would come here often, to clear up her mind. She doubted anyone else came here. She was able to find peace and privacy, which her life lacked of.


That's why she came here, to think of him. She felt confused, did he not like her?

She believed that perhaps that he did fancy her, that maybe he was able to return how she felt for him. But it she ended up as Draco's many conquests.

She stared blankly at the falling rain, thinking of him. His hypnotizing grey eyes, and how they would turn into different shades of grey depending on his mood. Or how when he would sometimes try to force himself not to laugh by pursing his lips, but a little grin would always betray him. Everything about him was just so perfect.

She thought of memories when she was younger. She missed being young. She used to be so oblivious and innocent, not knowing the darkness that the world held.

She heard heavy footsteps behind her, the ones she recognized. She didn't bother to turn when she felt him stand beside her, gazing outside.

"Hey" he said, feeling the breeze tickle his skin.
"Hey"she answered dully. Draco lifted one of his eyebrows wondering why her usual cheerfulness gone.

"What's wrong?" He asked staring quizzically at her.
"Nothing" she shrugged looking back at his eyes.

"Best friends don't keep secrets" Draco reminded.
"Best friends don't shag each other" Hermione returned with a little smirk on her lips. Draco laughed, leaning onto the rail.

"Come on, you've been down since yesterday-" he cut himself off and she could see his eyes turning into a darker shade of grey.

"Do you regret it?" he asked.
"Answer the question, do you regret it?" He asked.

She sighed and shook her head.
"I don't"

Draco breathed, not knowing that he had been holding his breath.

"Then why are you pushing me away? You've been so fucking distant every time I talk to you!" he said, with slight irritation at the back of his voice.

"Because!" She shot back frustrated. "Because I thought the maybe it meant something to you, but clearly it didn't." Draco furrowed his eyebrows together, she had it all wrong.

"I don't want to be one of those girls that you just shag then throw away once you're done with them Draco. I thought that maybe you actually liked me, but I guess I was wrong" she scoffed and shook her head, turning back to the poring rain trying to hide her glinting eyes.

"You're wrong" was all Draco said.
"What?" Hermione asked, surprised of the words that spilled out of his mouth.

She took a cautious step towards him to be able to listen to him more clearly.
"You aren't like the other girls. You're different in a good way you know"

Hermione's cheeks visibly blushed from Draco's words. Draco Malfoy occasionally complimented people, but not like this. She nodded him to continue his sentence.

"That's what makes me so intrigued in you I think. You're determined, caring, intelligent, and your looks are definitely a plus" Draco smirked at the witch. Hermione rolled her eyes playfully at him.

His words melted into her skin and she could feel her legs going jelly.

Hermione Gaunt, was considered the brightest witch of her age. But right now, she felt absolutely clueless of he was trying to say.

"And why are you saying this?" She asked him, curiosity filling her eyes.
"Because-" he started before taking a deep breath before continuing. "This is the way I'm saying that I have been in love with you since 2nd year".


Hermione could not believe what she was hearing. For a moment Draco had feared that maybe Hermione changed her mind, but a smile slowly crept on her face.

She wrapped her arms around him and
gave him a radiant smile, the smile that he hadn't seen in what felt like forever.

Her lips found his, and they kissed blissfully. Soft but passionate, they were the perfect kinds.

They finally separated, breathing hard trying to catch their breaths Hermione Gaunt smiled again. She leaned her head against his chest, engulfing the scent of peppermint and cologne.
"I love you too Draco" she mumbled

Thanks so much for reading! I will try to update ASAP! Btw I went back and edited chapters 1-6 if you want to check it out! Please vote and comment!

Also read my other book The Granger Reunion!

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