5- holidays

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Draco and Hermione walked back to their corridors discussing their holiday plans. The holidays were just around the corner and Hermione could hear the cheers of students and the smell of Christmas trees everywhere.

"Do you want to could come with me?" Draco suggested almost nervously to her.

She looked up, contemplating the appealing idea in her head.

"Are you sure? I don't want to disturb your parents for the holidays. Besides, you already have to deal with me during school do you really want to during your holidays?" Hermione teased.

Draco laughed and nodded his head.
"Of course, besides my parents love you. Especially father, and you know that's not very common" Draco smirked.
"Okay if you insist" Hermione agreed nonchalantly while silently squealing in her head.

Hermione Gaunt walked in excitedly with Draco by her side. She saw the beautiful witch who came walking to her elegantly.

"Oh Hermione, you look beautiful as always" The older Malfoy complimented.

"Thank you Mrs. Malfoy. You look very gorgeous too" Hermione blushed. Mrs. Malfoy warmly smiled down at the girl and gave her a quick hug.

"Now Winky has made us dinner, come eat before it gets cold" she gestured.
"Minkie!" Narcissa called and with a pop! The fragile looking elf appeared, bowing at her master.

"Please take her bags and put it in the guest room" she instructed. The elf bowed again and replied,
"Yes, Minkie will do it quickly Mistress"

The elf reached hesitantly towards Hermione, who gave her a grateful smile at the house elf. The elf gave a kind smile before gently grabbing the bags out of her hand.

"Minkie will take great care of your belongings miss. I will promise miss"

"Thank you Minkie" Hermione smiled, handing her bag to her. The elf smiled again before disapparating with a loud pop!

"Now, now please sit down for dinner dear" Natcissa instructed. Draco bristled walked over to her and quickly slid out a chair, gesturing for her to sit down. She gave a quick thanks before placing herself on the black wooden chair.

"Now how is your year so far Miss Gaunt?" Mr. Malfoy asked towards the brunette.
"Oh it's been great sir! I've learned so much and had so much fun with friends" she smiled. She excitedly talked about her potions class and the new things she learned from Transfigurations.

Lucius nodded at the girl approvingly making Hermione smile.
"That's sounds great Miss Gaunt, I am very glad to hear your enjoying Hogwarts. Draco, how about you son?"

"It's been great so far father, I've enjoyed it so far" he answered politely.

For Hermione, it was little odd seeing him so tense and polite. He always had manners at school sure, but he was much different here. She thought about her relationship with her father and realized how much different it was.

"Hope you are keeping up with your studies Draco?" The older Malfoy asked, glancing at the blond boy.

"Yes father" Draco answered formally.
"And Miss Gaunt?"
"Of course Mr. Malfoy" she answered, nodding her head.

"Well she's first in every one of her classes" Draco smirked, glancing almost admirably at her. Had she imagined it?

"Ye-yes but Draco is right behind me, only a point away from me honestly" She stuttered while her cheeks gained a twinge of pink. She looked down, hating the attention she was getting. Narcissa smiled at the 2 and gestured the elf over.

"Minkie, please show Miss Gaunt her room" Narcissa ordered once she saw everyone had finished their dinner.

Draco got out of his seat to help when the blonde witch stopped him.
"Draco, I need to speak a word with you darling" she smiled, gesturing the elf to walk out of the room while shooting a glance at her husband telling him to walk away also.

She heard the steps on the staircase and quickly turned to her son.
"Now I know you very much fancy Hermione"
"Mother-" Draco started but was interrupted by the older witch.
"Oh don't lie to me son, I very well know your crush since-" she thought for a minute to count and turned back to her nervous son. "2nd year" she smiled.

Draco's expression dropped and he stared wide eyed at his mother.

"Wha- what how mother?"He asked.
"It's very obvious to a mother, I guess it's one of those you call 'mother instincts'" she smiled.

Draco thought for a minute and sighed, it would be rather stupid to try to lie to his mother.

"At first I respected her honestly. She was intelligent and quick minded, she was able to stand up for what she believed in" He started. The witch nodded gesturing him to continue. "And then year after year, I fall more and more in love with her. I mean to me she's just beautiful and perfect"

Narcissa smiled at her son, giving him a reassuring look.
"Make your move Draco, and from what I see, I think she fancies you too" She have a pat on her son's shoulder and nodded. "Don't be afraid to show your feelings Draco. Now go on, it's time to sleep" She winked at him before giving him a push towards the stairs.

Draco nodded and nervously walked up the stairs and into his room quietly, careful not to draw attention to himself for once in his life.

Hermione GauntWhere stories live. Discover now