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The war was over. Voldemort died in his battle against Harry and as the death eaters saw that they were going to lose, all fled quickly. The light had won and Hermione was forever greatful. Draco kissed her forehead and whispered "We're safe my love, we're safe". Hermione smiled under his touch and hummed. 


8 years later

"Woah" the brunette girl's eyes glittered at the sight of the magnificent black train. "This is the Hogwarts Express?" She asked. 

"Yes my darling, it's beautiful isn't it?" the women whose hair was the same shade of brunette smiled.

"What if everyone doesn't like me?" The girl whimpered suddenly nervous.

"Now don't say that sweetheart, you are the most beautiful and charming person I've ever met! Everyone would love you. I'm sure of it" The blonde man stepped in to comfort her daughter.
"And if they don't tell them that your mother , Hermione Malfoy and I, Draco Malloy, will hex them into oblivion" he winked.
"Draco!" Hermione laughed and hit his arm. "Violence is not the answer!" She huffed. Draco chuckled, kissing Hermione's hair.

"Don't listen to your father darling. Now, go on and follow your brother Scorpious or you'll miss the train!" Hermione have her one last kiss on the cheeks. "We love you honey"

"Bye daddy and mommy, I love you too!" The little girl smiled and slipped onto the train, turning back to give one last wave.

Thank you so much for reading! I am so sorry that this took such a long time to finish. I hope you enjoyed the story!

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