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It had been two hours since Chance left the diner, one hour and fifty-five minutes since he arrived in his home, and an hour since he started pacing about in his apartment.

His emotions were jumbled as his thoughts were all over the place. He felt numb.

And confused.

And upset.

And somehow hurt.

He didn't know what to think or feel, though he does know that he didn't like the fact that Lee Schneider doesn't know him.

But we interacted on graduation. He thought. And a few times during high school. How on Earth could she not know me?

He continued to pace from one side of the room to the other for a while, trying to come up with an answer with his whys and wherefores.

Chance decided to keep himself busy with his work when his long legs felt like they're on fire from all the striding he'd been doing. He flopped down into his study's chair, sighing heavily as he ran a hand through his brown mop of hair.

He focused himself on his desktop and continued his ceased work from yesterday, removing all Lee-related thoughts in his head.

A loud ringing jolted Chance Dougherty awake. He hurriedly searched for his phone under the clutter of papers on top of his desk.

"How long were you planning to make me wait for you to answer my call?" Avery Lincoln's voice greeted him when he had found his phone and answered it.

"Sorry, I was sleeping." He glanced at the clock hanging on his wall. "Why are you calling me at 5:30 in the morning?"

"Well, I'm on my way to your place and I've decided to inform you that I'm expecting a scrumptious breakfast when I get there." He heard her chuckle lightly. "And that would be all. See ya."

Chance let out a sigh when Avery hung up on him before standing up. He walked to his kitchen and opened the fridge only to realize that he doesn't have anything to make a meal with.

He then decided to go on an early grocery shopping.

Chance grabbed his house keys, wallet, and phone as he left his apartment, making sure to remember locking his door.

"Oh hi! Good morning." His neighbor, who lives on the apartment in front of his, greeted him.

"Good morning." Chance turned to give his neighbor a smile, though he faltered when he saw Lee Schneider with her usual smile on her face.

"You're the guy from the diner yesterday, right?" She asked as she locked her door.

"I-err yeah. I-uh am." He could feel small beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

Lee gave him a skeptical look, not seeming to be convinced as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Really, Lee. I'm fine." Chance smiled reassuringly at her.

She continued to scrutinize him for a while, inspecting his whole frame with her eyes before finally giving up. "If you say so. Oh! I remember, I never really got your name."

"Chance. Chance Dougherty."

Chance | ✓Where stories live. Discover now