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"Lee lives next door?!" Avery Lincoln almost choked on her food when Chance told her what had happened that morning.

"Across the hall, actually."

"Do you know what this means?" The pale girl leaned over the table, a shrewd glint in her eyes. When Chance gave her a confused look, she continued to speak. "Chance, this is another chance, you lucky nincompoop! But this time, don't mess it up. What on earth did you do for the heavens to bless you like this?"

Chance shrugged, not knowing what or how to answer. "She doesn't know me, Avery."

"What do you mean?" Avery, who was about to take another bite from her lunch, stopped her chewing and other movements to look at him.

"She has amnesia and she doesn't remember me."

"You know what to do?" Avery asked him one last time when she passed the threshold of his apartment.

Chance rolled his eyes before smiling and leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest. "You've repeated it for hours, Avery. Take care."

The girl laughed lightheartedly as she headed down the stairs, waving him a goodbye. "You too."


Chance started at the feminine voice across from him. Lee stood at her door, carrying a plate of what seems to be like meatloaf. He could see the innocent curiosity in her eyes as she awaits his answer. "Uh no. A close friend."

She made an agreeing sound as she nodded in understanding. Chance eyed the dish in her hands with his own curious gaze and the girl in front of him noticed it. "Um I made you a welcome gift since you just recently moved in here and all. It's meatloaf. I was about to go over there and knock and well ask you if you-"

He couldn't help the smile forming on his face as Lee continued to ramble, a small laugh escaping his lips.

"I'm rambling again." She realized, facepalming herself before giving Chance a sheepish smile. "Can I come in?"

This is it. It's your chance, take a risk.

"Please do."

Chance | ✓Where stories live. Discover now