7 - Dress

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Knock knock

"Just a moment," I said as I went to the door.

I chuckled when I saw the doll from my door hole.

"So am I forgiven?" Daniel asked when I opened the door.

"So am I forgiven?" Daniel asked when I opened the door

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Photo Credit: Kang Daniel, Wanna One

He hid his face behind the doll.

"I forgive the doll," I joked.

Then I chuckled again when he showed me his pouty face.

"Why do you need to ask? You know I can't say no to that pouty face. I forgive you," I said as I smiled.

Then he smiled.

"Why haven't you changed your clothes?" I asked.

"Because I was looking for this. Here," he said as he gave me the doll.

"Is this for me? Thank you," I said as I was smiling looking at the doll.

"Come on, let's eat. Not talking with you make me so hungry," he said still pouting.

"I can't go with you. This is the only casual clothes that I brought with me, and I'm not going out like this," I said as I showed him the outfit that I was wearing.

"Is that how you usually dressed at home?" he asked.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked.

"Nothing. You just look more bulliable. Hahaha," he joked.

"Good night. Mr. Kang," I said as I was about to closed the door.

"Ah. I'm kidding. Come on let's go out and have dinner. I'm hungryyyyyyy," he insisted as he stomped his feet.

"No. Thank you, Sir. This bulliable girl will just lock herself in her room," I mocked.

"Hahaha. You're cute. It's okay. You look pretty. Let's go," he said as he dragged me out of my room.

"Fine, just let me grab my stuffs," I said as I came back in to get my things.

"So what's the schedule tomorrow?" I asked as we had our dinner.

"Nothing," he said lightly.

I choked on my food.

"Be careful, will you?" he said as he gave me some water.

"Then what the hell am I doing here, tomorrow?" I asked.

"I see you've become more brazen now," he said.

"Sorry not sorry. This is Saturday night, it's officially outside working hours. So it doesn't count," I said.

"Then are we on a Saturday night date?" he asked.

Boss - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now