32 - Buddy

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I saw a familiar figure when I turned around.

"Jacob?" I gasped when I finally saw him clearly.

Jacob smiled as he nodded while spreading his arms to greet me. I ran so fast into his arms.

"It's you! It's you! It's really you! What happened? Where have you been? When did you comeback? What are you doing here? Is this where you live? I tried to contact you but it didn't get through. We should really catch up soon. Ok. I need to stop talking," I ranted as I covered my mouth.

I was just so excited to see him again.

Jacob was my international buddy. It's a program that's provided by the university to pair up new international students with seniors, who's job was basically helping with adjusting to the new environment.

We had a couple of classes together and he's one of the theater club members. He's also the only one who always had my back when I was dealing with the rumor. I had no idea how I could survive college if not because of him.

However, we lost contact when he had to take a break from college one year before I graduated. I've been looking for him ever since I heard that he's graduated. I knew that we came from the same country. I was so happy that I finally found him. He's someone that I was grateful for.

"Hahaha. I see you're still as lively as ever. It's nice to see you again," he said as he ruffled my hair.

"I just came back a few days ago, and I've been busy with settling down. Everything is different compared to when I left for college. So I kinda caught up with adjusting and feel a little bit homesick," he said.

"I know right? It's been hard for me too. I cried for days after I came back. I even told my parents that I wanna go home," I said.

"Hahaha. You did? And what did they say?" he asked.

"But it's your home, silly" we said at the same time, mimicking my parents.

Then we laughed so hard because we're still pretty much in sync. We just love to mimic people and be theatrical. I was so happy that finally someone is speaking the same language as me.

"Oh I miss you so much," I said as I hugged him.

"I miss you too," he said as he gave me a good squeeze before giving me a peck on my forehead.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked as I released myself from the hug.

"I went to see an old friend. I was hoping if he could help me settling down. But he's kinda busy, so," he said gloomy.

"Oh oh. I could be your national buddy. I'd like to repay all of your kindness in helping me settling down in college. (y/n) at your service, Sir," I offered mimicking a chauffeur.

"Really? I'd be really grateful if you do, Miss (y/n)," he said as he bowed politely.

"Hahaha. You're still so theatrical too," he chuckled as he pinched my nose.

"Actually I've been looking for you, but I lost my phone and I don't know where you live. I'm glad we get to meet again," he said as he patted my cheek lightly.

"The pleasure is mine, Sir," I said as I bowed, still in a chauffeur mode and he chuckled.

"By the way, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Oh oh. I just got marrieeeeeeed! Look!" I told him excitedly as I showed the ring.

"Wow! Congratulations! So who's the lucky guy?" he asked as he grabbed my hand to look at the ring closer.

"I am," I heard Daniel said.

"Oh Crap. He's mad," I cursed when I turned around.

Daniel looked so stiff.

I released Jacob's hand then stood beside the I'm-gonna-kill-someone-if-you-don't-get-yo-ass-over-here Daniel.

"This is my husband, Daniel. He's also the owner of the company where I work," I introduced awkwardly.

"Hi! My name is Jacob, (y/n)'s international buddy, or national buddy now I should say," he said as he pulled out his hand to Daniel before he winked at me.

I nudged Daniel's hand, because he didn't take Jacob's hand, and he looked like he's about to eat Jacob alive.

"Wait, aren't you the famous young entrepreneur who has been the buzz these days? Wow. It's nice to finally meet you. And now you're married to an incredible woman too? Woah. I envy you. You're living such a good life Man. Congratulations, you're so lucky," he said before leaning closer to Daniel.

"I hope you'd be willing to share some of your tips with me," he whispered before he winked at Daniel.

"Yes, I am the famous, and fabulous young entrepreneur living a good life with my incredible woman. But No. I am not willing to share anything with you. And lastly, I don't care whether it's nationally or internationally or whatever, I just want you to get the fuck out of my face and stay the hell away from my wife. Now please excuse us, we have some fucking to do," Daniel said with a stern voice before he dragged me to the car.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled to Jacob as I waved.

"It's okay," he mumbled back as he smiled before he got out of sight.

I yanked his hand harshly as we got to the car.

"What the hell was that?" I asked as I rubbed my wrist.

He gripped my hand so tightly, I could see his hand marks.

"Excuse me? That is supposed to be my line (y/n). What the hell were you doing? Getting all touchy with another man, on your wedding night, in front of your husband. How do you want me to react to that?" he asked.

"I know. I'm sorry. I got carried away, because I was just so happy to see him again. But still. You don't have to be so rude to him. He's a good friend of mine," I complained.

"Oh yeah? But judging from how you interacted with each other, I don't think you guys are just friends. Were you guys a fuck buddy too? I thought you said that you didn't mess around with boys at college. I guess you lied," he accused.

"Don't you dare to say that again. We're not like that. And no. I never lie to you," I warned sternly.

I knew that I was wrong and he was mad, but he didn't have to go all the way to accusing me of lying and disgracing my relationship with Jacob just because of that.

"Oh so there's a "we" now? And it's not even between you and me, it's between you and him? If you like him that much, then why did you marry me? Why didn't you go and ask him to marry you instead!" he yelled.

"STOP! I said don't! What is your deal? You're also getting all touchy when you saw Julia, and you guys were not even friends!" I yelled because he's getting on my nerves.

"What does that have to do with anything? That's before we got married. Besides I already told you why I did that, I even apologized to you. Don't try to put this on me," he complained.

"I'm not trying to put this on you. I was just trying to explain what's going on. And I don't like that you're being disrespectful to my relationship with my friend," I said as I held his hand, trying to calm him and myself down.

I really didn't wanna fight, especially on our wedding night.

"I don't care. And I don't like him. So don't you ever think of meeting him again. Ever!" he ordered as he yanked my hand.

"You can't control me," I said coldly.

At that point I was really mad. Not only he accused me, and disgraced me, he also acted like he owns me. And I hate that the most.

"Well guess what? Yes I can. Because I'm your boss and I'm your husband. I have every single right to control you, you like it or not. Now drive the car, I'm afraid I'm gonna kill someone if I do," he said before he got into the passenger seat.

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