45 - Ass

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"Aaaah," I whined as I rolled my neck while massaging it after I put my undergarments on.

I was seriously tired, I couldn't even bathe myself properly earlier. But Daniel and I had to go to work.

"Daniel, don't," I hitched when he suddenly ran his hands slowly on my naked stomach from the back.

His skin felt so warm on mine, making the hair on my nape stood up.

"Why? Is it turning you on?" Daniel whispered to my ear as he crossed his arms on my stomach.

"Ah," I let out a breathy moan as I dropped my head back and closed my eyes when he trailed kisses down the side of my neck slowly.

Damn! His breath tickles me.

"This is getting in the way," he said before he bit the strap of my bra then slid it off my shoulder.

"Daniel, please," I begged as I grabbed his arms to stop him.

"Please what, baby?" he whispered again before he pulled me closer hastily.

I bit my lips as I ran my hands on his head slowly when the heat on his naked chest traveled from the back of my neck down every spine on my back. My butt was sticking out slightly when I felt him warm down there too. I swear he knows exactly how to get me going. But I won't let him win this time.

"Please stop messing with me," I said as I turned my head to him while pulling his hair to the side suddenly.

"Aw aw. Alright alright. Stop it. It hurts," he begged as he slapped my hands repeatedly.

Then I turned to him and helped him to fix his hair after I released my grip.

"Let's not go to work today. I still wanna play with you," he said as he pouted while playing with the string of my underwear.

Then I slapped his hand when he suddenly pulled the string and peeked inside the underwear.

"Ouch! It stings! You're so cruel! Hmph!" he complained before he turned to the side while pouting as he was massaging the hand that I slapped.

Then he dodged my hand when I was about to grab his. He was sulking. Sho cute. Haha

"I still wanna play with you too. But you know we can't do that, right? There's so much to be done. Especially after exhibition like this, the reporting is gonna be such a pain in the ass. There are not many people left in the company, we gotta help out. Hum?" I reminded as I cupped his cheek and turned him to look at me.

"Can't I just help out by handling your ass? I don't mind with that," he joked as he smiled.

"You can do whatever you want. You are the boss. But not me," I said as I smiled while caressing his cheek before lightly pinched it.

"You can do whatever you want too. You're the boss' wife," he said as he grabbed my hand when I was about to put the rest of my clothes on.

I was quite shocked when I heard that came out from his mouth. He knows exactly that I don't use my connection to move up the ladder. And I hate it when people treat me like I do.

"Daniel, it's still early in the morning, don't ruin my mood," I said coldly as I yanked his hand.

"Hey hey. I'm sorry I'm sorry," he said as he grabbed my hand when I was about to walk away.

I kept dodging his hand when he's trying to make me to look at him.

"Please? I'm sorry," he said as he held my hands tight.

Then I finally looked at him uninterestedly without saying anything.

"I'm sorry, okay? I don't mean it in a bad way. I just want you to be happy. Hum?" he said as he cupped my cheeks.

"Then don't ever say something like that again. I don't like it. Now get your clothes on. I don't wanna be late," I said before I left him.

Third party P.O.V

In the car

"Do you wanna hear some music?" Daniel asked as he turned to look at you.

He was trying so hard to fix the mood.

"No," you answered shortly as you kept looking to the front.

"What about some jelly? I bought them ye...," he offered but you cut his sentence short.

"No, thank you. I'm not hungry," you said before you turned to the side and crossed your arms on your chest, pretending to sleep.

Then he stepped on the brake abruptly.

"What the hell?" you asked furiously as you turned to him.

Your mood was clearly getting even worse.

"I don't know. You tell me," he said annoyedly as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"That was really dangerous, you know that? I almost jumped from my seat!" you said angrily.

"You're overreacting. I know how to drive my car," he said.

"Whatever. Now move. I'm driving," you said as you prepared to change seat with him.

"No way," he said as he refused to give up the driving seat.

"Then drive. Can't you hear people are honking?" you said annoyedly.

"I don't care. I won't drive until you stop acting like a bitch," he warned.

"Well then we can stay here for the rest of our lives. Because I am a bitch, and you know damn well that I am even before you marry me. So deal with it," you said before turning your back to him, pretending to sleep again.

"Whiny ass bitch," he cursed annoyedly before finally drove again.

At the office

"Hhh. Can't she just cut me some slack? I already apologized," Daniel sighed when you ran to the office without waiting for him as soon as he parked the car.

Then he saw you froze at the front door when he caught you up.

"Hhh. Let's be civilized here," he sighed before he approached you.

He was confused when he saw your mouth dropped and eyes wide opened. You looked like you're seeing a ghost.

"What is ...?" he asked as he looked around before he paused when he finally realized what made you froze.

He saw the office was fully packed with his prior employees, who resigned because of Julia.

"What the hell is going on here?" he mumbled to himself because he still couldn't believe his eyes.

End of Third party P.O.V

Boss - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now