39 - Donna (D)

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*Disturbing Content - Please skip this part if you're uncomfortable - Read at your own risk - You.Have.Been.Warned*

- Credit for the gifs goes to the rightful owners
- Words in italic indicates quotes from Suits and White Chicks (all credits goes to the rightful owners)

Third person P.O.V

"H-h-hello," the noisy newbie stuttered.

The scaredy newbie glued his ear to the back of the phone while still gripping his partner arm's tightly.

"Don't you hello me. What the hell are you doing out there? I clearly told you to stay at the station, didn't I? Do you wanna be responsible if anything happen at the station? Huh?" Gonzales yelled.

"But we ...," the noisy newbie explained.

"Shush! I don't wanna hear it. I'm gonna grill you properly later when I get there. But the most important thing now is, I want you to protect our VVIP and her family at all cost. Follow her order, and give her anything she wants. Understand?" Gonzales asked.

"Yes, Sir!" the newbies shouted as they saluted.

"Pardon me, Chief. But which VVIP?" the noisy newbie asked.

He still refused to believe that Donna is in the VVIP list.

"Oh My Fucking God. I can't with this stupid bitch. WHAT ARE YOU BLIND? OF COURSE THE VERY NICE LOOKING YOUNG LADY WHO'S STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FUCKING FACE, YOU DUMBASS! Look. I know you're new and all that shit, but ... HOW COULD YOU NOT RECOGNIZE HER, FOR FUCK SAKE?! I ALREADY TOLD YOU TO MEMORIZE THE LIST! AND SHE'S ON TOP OF THE VVIP LIST! Very Very Important Person! Learn your acronyms! And remember this. If you fuckers, ever dare, to embarrass me, in front of her, AGAIN, I promise you, Me and the rest of the police force, are gonna make each and every single one of your day, taste like a living hell, for the rest of your sorry life. Mark my words," Gonzales ranted before he ended the call.

Toot Toot Toot

The call already ended, but the newbies still refused to put the phone down. They stared blankly as they finally realized the huge sin that they just committed.

 They stared blankly as they finally realized the huge sin that they just committed

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"So. Ready to talk?" Donna asked as she folded her hands in front of her chest.

"Yes, Mam! Anything you need!" the newbies shouted as they saluted.

Then they told her that they received a call earlier that morning from someone who claimed that there's a severely injured man somewhere near the crossroads. She sounded very frightened and begged them to come urgently. So they left the station to some of their juniors from the police academy.

But when they arrived at the scene, there was no one there except for the severely injured man next to a big trailer.

"So what does that have anything to do with my son and daughter in law?" she asked as she started to get worried.

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