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I stared at my computer, taking into account everything the three of us have accomplished since i started working in my father's place. Aiden and Alexander have done wonderfully working separately and have slowly began to not need to call or message each other every fifteen minutes.

Alexander easily spoke to me on his issues with being away from his brother, he felt like he wasn't needed and that Aiden could easily do his job. It surprised me that such an attractive man who radiated confidence had none.

"You don't seem to realize your worth Alex," I spoke to him in a conference room before his next meeting, "You may think he'd be able to take over your own job but in reality when you do your job he is just following your lead and he is reflecting you. Don't sell yourself short or think that there is a better twin."

He needed reassurance almost daily and i had no issue with providing that for him, he always worried how well his brother was fairing but Aiden was completely different from him. Aiden dived head first into his work and constantly worked until it was time for lunch and that was the only time he'd pick his head up and be excited.

"You may think your brother is doing amazing by himself but he's simply hiding behind his work so he doesn't have the time to think about how much he misses you. Just take it one day at a time Alex." I handed him a notepad with a few questions i needed him to have answered during the meeting and went into the back corner to watch the other business owners.

That was yesterday and today i had needed to stay at the office to coordinate a small professional gathering in the office tonight to celebrate all of our projects that have been agreed upon. I couldn't concentrate though because my father has been declining rapidly in the last week.

His dementia had picked up and currently he thought i was still in high school, he recognized me but thought i was still young. I needed to see him today, i don't know how long he was going to have but i don't think it's as long as the doctors thought he did. He also had been diagnosed with ALS which caused his muscles to deteriorate and to simply put it they stop working. My father couldn't move his legs anymore and in the last week he had began having breathing problems. So we had to have him hospitalized so he could have around the clock care.

I stopped scrolling through our employee information and groaned since i hadn't been able to do anything in the last hour. Instead of trying to focus i called one of my personal assists. "Georgia please come to my office."

"Yes sir," her voice chirped through the phone speaker and she came speed walking across the floor and into my office, "What can i do for you Jayden?"

"I'm going to need to leave early for a couple of hours." I said while packing my suitcase, "I need you to coordinate the business gathering tonight and talk to Aiden and Alexander if you need to. They have lunch together and you can meet with them to make sure everything went smoothly in their own meetings. If you have any issues or they act out, i want you to call me. Lastly just make sure they get to their meetings separately for the rest of the day. I'm going to be remote and working on next week's schedule."

She nodded quickly before rushing off again and getting started with the business gathering guests.

I called the hospital so they knew i was on my way and to find out how well my father was doing today, "Well his breathing is fine today, a little labored but on his own. He isn't here in the present though, and he constantly confuses the nurses as being one of his assistants at work."

"Okay, thank you for the update. i will be there shortly." I sighed before saying goodbye and focusing on driving until i got into a parking space at the hospital.

The nurses waved me through quickly, i easily stood out and they recognized me since i had been here coordinating my father's care. I paused outside his room to look at him through the glass window. He had lost a good amount of weight and his baggy skin made him look one with the bed.

His eyes flashed to mine and he broke out into a smile, i easily plastered a smile onto my face before stepping into his room. " Hey dad, how's your day been?"

"Good son, it's nice to have a day off and letting my assistants do some hard work." he patted his bed and i sat at the end carefully, "How is school, no one is being mean to you right?"

"No, school is great dad, i stay to myself and no one bothers me." I grabbed his hand when he held his out.

"Good. What about those twin boys?" when he asked and saw that i looked a little confused he continued, "They should be talking to you and getting to know you better. One of the boys is meant to marry you son." he gave me a serious look, "I'll have to speak to Wyatt then, he will be disappointed in his boys."

"Dad, i have never spoken to the twins." I shook my head and gave him another confused look, "I have classes with them but they're always caught up in each other and their sports."

Suddenly my dad began to cry and i stood up in shock and worry, why is he crying? "Dad what-"

"I'm sorry son, boys can be so mean and stupid when they are young." he put his hand on my shoulder, "Trust me, getting away from here for a little while will do you and those boys some good, the three of you should mature a little before trying again."

"What?" i whispered but his words rattled a memory deep in my head and i realized exactly what he was talking about. He had jumped in time back to when i had confessed to one of the boys and was rejected, "oh don't worry daddy, i'm okay-"

"No son!" he snapped at me, "The boy should never have rejected you, he knew he could have seriously hurt you and by rejecting you it can cause you to be really sick."

I didn't saying anything, he wasn't making any sense at all but i could clearly remember confessing to one of the twins but i also had no idea which one i had confessed to. His comment on feeling sick did sound familiar as well, i could remember not having any energy to do anything and then when i moved to Europe i recalled my decision to never fall in love again.

"Oh son... your mom thinks i don't know but i do, you are so unique and don't look a thing like either of us." He gripped both of my hands strongly and i looked him in the eyes, hiding my confusion and slow realization of what he was saying, "But i have always and always will love you like you are my blood."

A nurse came in quietly and i turned around to see what she needed, "Sorry Jayden but your father needs to rest now. You can come back later today or tomorrow."

I nodded and faced my father, "It's time for me to go dad, I love you."

He nodded, his eyes glazing over a little, "Hopefully i'll see you again soon, i wish you didn't need to go to another country."

I kissed his forehead as his eyes started to slip shut and grabbed my things quietly so i would wake him up. When i got to my car i sat in silence for a while, absorbing everything my father said. What did he mean that i am supposed to be marrying one of the twins? It didn't feel right thinking about choosing one of the twins let alone marrying one of them when i didn't really know them personally.

My thoughts trailed to my mom and i found my next goal, since my father let somethings slip like not even being their actual son, it was time to get some answers.

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