Call Me Cupid

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It was the day before our long awaited vacation started, the 9th of February. Today I had to deliver roses to each class at school for Valentine's day. It was a dreaded day for me because I had never, in my sixteen years of life, gotten a single note, card or rose. There was this one boy however, who was17 years of age with an incredible talent for music. I had bought him three roses that were ready to be delivered. Each one of them held a little card which said 'be sure to call me' with my number written on the backside. Yesterday I had signed up to give them to him and I had been giddy and stressed all day long.

The boy I liked was one year older than me and had shaggy dirty blond hair which looked so soft that you couldn't help but want to pet it. I knew him from a concert, he played guitar while I sang and ever since that moment, I knew there was something special about him. We've been texting for a bit and I couldn't help but feel excitement every time I saw his name pop up on my screen.

The bell rang, bringing me out of my daydream. I knew it was time to go and face my fears because after our fifteen minute break, the moment i had tried to avoid all day would arrive. I went to the cafeteria where all the roses were placed in neat piles and sought mine. When I finally found the roses, my best friend had also arrived. Cameron was younger than me but he surely wasn't smaller, he towered over me while looking at me with the most ridiculous smile. He looked like he was ready to conquer the world, I on the other side, looked like I was ready to throw up. Yeah, i was that nervous.

"Are you ready to go and get him?", Cameron questioned me.

"I'm not sure if my legs can carry me to his classroom." I replied.

"Well, if you are lucky and I bet that you will be, he will carry you around the school to show off that you are his." I snorted at his comment, he was always so optimistic about things like this. I didn't know how he did that.

Anyway, we made our way to his classroom that I eventually had to enter and Cameron knocked on the door.

"Good luck girl", that's all he said before he opened the door and pushed me into the room. I almost stumbled while cursing Cameron underneath my breath but I caught myself just in time. I stood there for a good 10 seconds before realizing what I actually needed to do. "Euhm, I have a- a rose for Christian." I looked at the small bouquet in my hand and corrected myself. "Well, more like three roses."

He looked me up and down before smiling at me. After I mentally gave myself a pat on the back for choosing a nice outfit and putting on some make-up, I smiled back and started to approach his desk. I wasn't looking where I put my feet and someone tripped me on accident. I almost fell face first to the floor if one of Christian's friends hadn't caught me.

I believed his name was Jordan but I wasn't completely sure and although I didn't know him, his brown eyes were searching mine in concern.

"You okay there love?" I was caught of guard by the nickname but I smiled confidently and decided to put on a little show.

"I'm not sure, I might have sprained my ankle." I tried to walk but I fell straight to the floor for effect.

"C'mon", he said "I'll carry you to the nurses' room".

I felt a pang of sadness in my chest because Christian didn't do anything to help me. I decided to take my act a little further, two could play that game.

I Took a hold of Jordan's arm but when I wanted to start walking, he picked me up in bridal style. I looked into his eyes with a thankful expression and I forced my cheeks to redden. I learned that skill when I was 12 and it came in handy a lot of times. I glanced at Christian who was already looking at the two of us and I could have sworn that I saw a glimpse of jealousy in his eyes but that might have been my imagination.

"Okay, but let me first hand Christian his roses", I replied to Jordan. He picked me up in bridal style and walked me over to his desk.

"There you go", I said to Christian, who still looked rather confused by this whole scene. He didn't say anything about it and let us walk out of the room without looking a second time.

I felt kind of rejected but I knew I'd get over it quick enough, I had this happen to me a couple times already.

Jordan carried me into the nurses' office where he gently placed me on one of the beds. I had told Cameron to finish the tour alone.

"Are you really okay?", he asked me.

"I think it'll go away in a day or so but thanks for helping me". I guessed that he knew that I was talking about Christian and I was greatful that he didn't mention it for the rest of the afternoon.

He said that it was no problem at all and he even offered to drive me home. I gladly accepted his offer because it was raining and I sure as hell wasn't going to cycle home.

I looked him up and down for the first time that afternoon. He was a lot taller than me but now he was sat in one of the chairs here, we were about the same height.

I focused a little more on his facial features, his hair was brown and curly and i couldn't resist the urge to twist a strand around my finger. His dimples popped out when he started to laugh because of my actions.

"What are you doing love? If you like it so much to play with my hair, I'll lay my head in your lap so you don't have to reach for it." And with that he placed his head on my legs while closing his eyes. I fiddled with the pieces of hair while looking at his face more closely.

He had a few freckles on his nose and lord knows that I'm a sucker for freckles, they make people look so innocent and younger. I started to stroke his cheek with my fingertips humming the melody to one of my favorite songs. He opened his eyes with a questioning look on his face but he didn't say a word. I looked into his warm brown eyes and I realised I hadn't felt so at ease for a long time.

What started as a stressful day, ended in bliss. I was enjoying every second of this, a welcoming silence hang around us, one where everything was still possible and nothing could disturbe this moment. Then, Jordan spoke up in a stage whisper, as if he could break this moment with a single word. "Elaine, it's time to go, it's pouring outside but euhm, we can- I-I mean if you'd like to, we could watch a movie at my place?" I couldn't turn him down, he had that look of hope in his eyes and for a moment I completely forgot about Christian. "Yeah, I'd really like that actually."

And so we drove to his house where we held a movie marathon. I was dozing off but I still heard my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID and saw Christian's name flashing on the screen. I ignored the call and got a little closer to Jordan who sat next to me. I placed my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around him. I finally fell asleep halfway through 'The Great Gatsby' and before I drifted off, I could feel a blanket being draped over me and I heard Jordan say "Goodnight love, I had an amazing time with you and I hope you know that", before he gave me a kiss on my head.


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