It has always been you

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I was laying in the meadow with Dylan and we were looking at the sky that was coloured the softest pink you could ever imagine. We were just laying in the fields and the both of us didn't speak, we just enjoyed each other's company. I felt so happy and complete in that very moment.

Suddenly, he started laughing out of nowhere and his laugh, oh god. There were no words to describe that beautiful sound. He had the kind of laugh that made you want to tell him jokes forever. 

I looked over at him and I saw his hair glistening in the sun. It shone as if it was spun from gold. Just as I wanted to reach out and twirl a strand around my finger, he decided to speak up.

"You know", He said "I have the feeling that I don't really know you."

It took me a while to come up with an answer for that. "Well, it's true. I have some secrets that nobody knows."

He gave me a long, pensive look.

"Ah, you want me to tell those secrets to you, am I right?" I asked him while turning myself on my left side so I could get a better view of him.

"Absofuckinglutely, well if you want to at least."

I had been thinking about this for a while but I didn't really know how to tell him. I went over the words in my head a few times and opened up my mouth to speak.

"Just promise me that this won't change anything, okay?" I looked at him with pleading eyes and when he slightly nodded, I continued.

"Well, sometimes I doubt the fact that I am able to be just friends with you because when I look at you, I see something special. Something that I want to keep for myself."

He looked at me for a while before signaling me to go on.

"It's your soul and thoughts, they are so beautiful. You're passionate about being free and doing whatever you want to do and it's inspiring to see really. I think that people often underestimate the power of thought and knowledge."

I could see that he was curious to hear more but also a little bit hesitant. As if he was scared of the words that might follow. I looked at him once more and it gave me the strenght to carry on.

"I don't know if you can see this but you are different yet you are so much like yourself, it's a pile of contradictions, the most beautiful mess. But it's you and that is all it has to be."

He frowned his forhead and didn't look at me for a while but I let it slide because this wasn't something you'd hear everyday from a friend.

"Enough about me", he said "I want you to tell me something about yourself".

I thought I might as well go on with this whole thing and I thought about my next move. After a couple of minutes, I had made up my mind. I got a little closer to him, put my lips to his ear and whispered softly: "I've been thinking about this for a while now and my thoughts aren't going anywhere so I might as well tel you."

He looked at me confused but I didn't seem to notice because I was so busy telling him my story.

"Ever since I met you I've had this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. In these months, you have made me doubt everything I know. You made me think about love and everything it comes with and slowly I started to realise that I was falling for you. Not completely yet but I still am, falling into this and I hope that if I reach rock bottom that you will be there to catch me."

He didn't look as surprised as I thought he would but then again, I hadn't known him for such a long period of time. He crawled over and came even closer.

"I guess I'd have to tell you a little something as well" Startled, I sat up straight and listened carefully to what he had to say.

"I don't know if I could be in a relationship with you but the only thing that I do know for sure is that I feel comfortable around you and I feel at ease. Plus, friends don't look at each other just like that. I mean I see the way you look at me and stuff and I get a weird feeling everytime you do that."

"Do what exactly?" I asked in a teasing manner, while looking at him with a glimpse of amusement in my eyes.

"You know, the looking me up and down everytime you see me or getting a little closer than is appropriate. You damn well know what I mean."

To tease him a little more, I got right into his face and started looking at him with what I hoped to be a seductive smile. 

I saw that he was getting all flustered and that he started to shuffle around, he was doing everything to not look me in the eyes and it took every ounce of his concentration not to do so. For the second time that evening, I whispered in his ear.

"Does this make you feel flustered? Well, no need to answer because I know it does", I pulled back and I saw that his face was flaming red.

I decided that I'd just go for it but when I started to lean in, he was quicker than I was. 

"Let me do this my way, I promise you that you won't regret it."

I stayed silent and he took that as on opportunity to push me back onto the grass. He moved agonizingly slow but we had all the time in the world so I didn't care about it all too much. He climbed over me and put one leg on each side of my waist.

His eyes went to look for my lips and when he had found them, his own lips formed the smallest smile that I found so endearing.

He looked so vulnerable and real and I couldn't imagine another person with whom I wanted to be here more than I wanted to be with him.

He finally leaned down and hovered her lips over mine. I felt his breath fanning my face and I got drunk off of his touch, he was so intoxicating. The smell of his cologne invaded my nostrills and it filled me up completely. All of my senses were drowned in him and I was submerged by it. 

It was simply him.

When his lips connected with mine, my heart burst with happiness. Our lips molded together and once in a while, he'd have to pull back to catch his breath. His hair was falling in his face and I reached out to sweep it behind his ear but in mid air, my hand fell to my side because he was even more beautiful this way.

He was free from all sorrow and he looked as if he had reached a point of no return. While kissing him, you got a taste of that world and I knew that I never wanted to go back to reality. I'd stay here with him and live my life because now I knew that I had found him, I'd never let him go.

He could destroy me in the most beautiful ways possible for I was eternally his. 


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