Colour My Skies

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I live in a world where you can only see in black and white. The reason for this is completely unknown. Scientists have been looking into this for as long as I can remember but no results came back. There is only one way to gain back the lost colours, you can do so by finding your soulmate. Unfortunately, you get little to no information about them. You see, when they draw anything on their body, it will appear on yours as well. The only downside to this is that it's there for 24 hours and after that time it will fade away to nothing.

It's quite a task to find out who your soulmate is because they might be at the other side of the planet and that's pretty far away if you ask me. You do know exactly who they are because the moment that you first touch them, the world around you turns into a beautiful palet full of the most bright and lively colours. Or at least that is what my friends have told me. I haven't found my soulmate yet so friends of mine have tried to explain what the colours look like. I' ve heard a wide variety of descriptions for all sorts of colours and I tried to remember the most inspiring ones.

My best friend for example, described the colour red like this: When he dips you in the middle of the dancefloor, it's the colour of your dress. When he whispers in your ear, it's the colour of his lips. When you make love, it's the trace he wants you to leave all over his body. When he places his palm all over your heart, it's the colour that comes to the surface as his fingertips trail over your body, like a sentence that won't ever be finished. When he sees you in your bedroom with another, it's the colour of his face, caused by anger. When he smashes the vase in the hall, it's the colour that threatens him to abandon the shattered pieces. When he screams at the top of his lungs, it's the colour that pierces through the athmosphere. When you hear him, it's the colour of your pulse. When he looks you in the eyes for the last time, it is the fading colour of his heart falling to his knees.

It made me think about finding my soulmate so I could finally know what these mysterious colours look like. I had been on the lookout for this person ever since I was 10 years old. From what the person wrote on their hand, I guessed it was a girl around my age. She was quite forgetfull, she would scribble things on her hand like 'appointment at the hairdresser 15.30 PM' or 'go to the mall at two', but even with all these tips, I hadn't found her yet. The problem was that she didn't jot down the exact places she went, just the hours and a vague description of her plans. Sometimes I thought she did it on purpose, to make my search a tad more difficult.

I on the other hand, doodled frequently when I was bored in class, so she would end up with a few drawings at least every week. I hoped they cheered her up if she was sad because no one, and especially not my soulmate, had to be sad.

"Eleonor, are you even paying attention?", The voice of my history teacher, Ms. Davis, brought me back to reality.

"Yes Ma'am, I'm sorry but I got a bit distracted here" I replied quickly, while picking up my pen to write down all the things she said.

For the rest of the lesson, I participated in class because I found History to be quite interesting. After 10 minutes or so, the bell rang. I picked up my bag and shoved my papers in there, I was in a hurry to get to the cafeteria because I couldn' wait to eat.

When I got there, all of my friends were already sitting at a table. "Eleonor, you allright over there? Come join us!", they called me over.

"Give me a second", I replied jokingly. "I'm first going by Joshua's table."

Joshua was one of my best friends, he was the one who described the colours to me. He was a few inches taller than me and also one year younger, making him 16. He had toussled caramel brown hair and mesmerizing greenish eyes. He could make any girl swoon just by looking her in the eyes for a few moments. He looked cheery as usual when I approached him,

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