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I guess that everyone of you knows someone, a friend or even a relative who thinks so low of him- or herself.

I know some of those people as well.

So I want to dedicate this to all of you people out there, you rock.


I came home a while ago but I hadn't taken of my shoes just yet. I sat in the hallway, pondering about my next move.

I had been at school for the last 2 hours, taking my french class and studying in the library afterwards when suddenly, he came in.

He, as in my crush. I don't want to hear his name come out of my mouth ever again so for the sake of mankind we'll call him Turtle, because he is just so slow in understanding things sometimes.

So, Turtle and I go a while back in time. He had been in my class from grade 8, quite a while if you ask me. A couple of months earlier, I started texting him and everything seemed to go well. We had gone out on a date once, but nothing interesting had happened that day. 

While he was approaching my desk, I started thinking of all the possible reasons that he was here, right in front of me. 

You see, after that date, everything started to go downhill and it wasn't even my fault. No, it really wasn't, I can hear you thinking.

Anyway, he started acting really strange. When I texted him he would reply hours later but you could clearly see that he had been active in the meantime. He would also have a really short temper and if I asked him anything at all, he replied with short responses.

The few times that I saw him in public and I tried to make small talk, he would just avoid me and not meet my gaze. It was astonishing how he could manage to avoid me every day, he should teach me a cou- No, what am I saying? I need to stay away and finish this little rant.

So yeah, seen the history we have, I was panicking inside as he walked towards me.

"Hey", he said while sitting himself right in front of me.

"Hi", I replied while shooting him a glare.

Apparently, it wasn't one of my best ones, because he still had the audacity to carry on this converstion when clearly I didn't want to.

"Sooo, how have you been doing Eleonor?"

"Better, since you left me alone", I commented as I still refused to meet his eyes and kept staring at my worksheet.

He was so infuriating really, acting as if nothing hapened and we were still the best of friends.

"Ah c'mon now, can't you give me at least a little smile?you know I like to see you smile".

"Can't you see I'm busy? Just like you were busy with other things this whole month," I hissed at him, with his innocent smile fuelling my anger, "Gosh Jack, just leave me alone allready".

"Eleonor, I swear I can explain this to you! Please, just give me a few minutes", he begged me, shamelessly using those puppy eyes of him.

"No Jack, I've had enough. You just disappeared for a month, a whole month for Gods' sake! I didn't know where you were because you avoided me, what kind of excuse do you have for that?" I was on the verge of screaming now and although we were in the library, I didn't care. My hands started to shake, waiting for me to give them a green light and punch him right on the nose.

Suddenly, he started to lean forward and before I knew what was happening, he came dangerously close to me.

Out of the blue, he kissed me. 

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