Chapter Six: Clare's Next Assignment Part One

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Clare's eyes slowly and groggily opened before they looked around the place that she was in at the moment, noticing that she was sleeping against a tree she slowly decided to get up while moving the blanket that was covering her away but noticed it wasn't a blanket at though. Looking down at it she noticed it was your red coat from before wondering why it was wrapped around her she then remembered the things that had transpired yesterday.

She had challenged you to a battle and you easily dominated her through most of the fight especially with your wide arsenal giving you an edge caused her clothes to become almost nonexistent now thanks to those rockets. She slowly got up with the coat still wrapped around her trying to put the thing on before going to look for you. It felt quite big on the woman before you finally decided to get a move on but noticing something else that worried her though.

Clare: Where... Where did my sword go?

The platinum blonde slowly walked around for you and her sword trying to figure out where exactly you had gone with it, she needed her claymore to finish the new job she had to do. But she got sidetracked with wanting to test your abilities out. 

After looking around the woods for about 25 minutes she heard the sound of sword swings before she saw a large tree come tumbling down.

???: TIMBER!!!

Watching the tree fall with no interest Clare went over to where she heard the owner of the voice and saw you standing there looking at your work while chuckling. Looking closer Clare noticed you were using her sword, but she noticed it looked kind of different now than before. The claymore was about two inches longer than before, and the blade was now a dark purple color the same color as the blood of yoma with the tip being black.

Clare: Y/N what did you do to my sword?

Turning to where you heard the voice you smiled seeing Clare was finally up, you tossed the sword to her and saw her catch it with ease. That's when you noticed her eyes widen for feeling the sword now, she could feel the unbelievable power coming from it compared to last time. That's when she looked over to wondering what you had been doing since she was asleep.

Y/N: I see you're wondering as to what has happened to your sword huh, don't worry I just modified it a bit.

Clare: Modified... What do you mean you modified it?

Y/N: Well while you were catching up with some Z's I went exploring a bit to find something to eat out here when I thought I ran into another one of your kind. They turned out to be just another one of those Yoma things. They made the flaw by calling themselves a Claymore, so I ended up killing them and that's when I came up with this idea, so I borrowed your sword and bathed it in the creature's blood and viola you now have your very own Devil Arm.

(I am not too sure if that's how the creation of Devil Arms works if not I'm sorry)

Clare: Devil... Arm?

Y/N: Yeah, you know the weapons that I was using against you yesterday my guns and the large rocket launcher I used, those are examples of devil arms. I still have two I haven't shown off yet.

Clare looked at her sword now wondering as to what it's capable of now that you had gone and done this to it. Looking closer towards the sword she saw what looked an eye engraved on it, at the moment it looked to be closed.

Clare: Thank you for what you have done.

Y/N: No sweat, if I'm going to be training you then you're gonna need a weapon that'll be able to survive the punishment of my weapons. I believe that your sword will be able to increase your speed, your physical strength, along with your striking power and maybe it can do something else as well.

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