Chapter Seven: Clare's Next Assignment Part Two

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You snored the night away while using your coat as a makeshift pillow, moving from side to side before you slowly rolled into the large pond next to you. Jumping out of the water and looking around to see if you were being attacked, you noticed Raki was sleeping soundly but you noticed Clare was still awake just leaning against her sword but you noticed something in her hand. Curious as to what it was you went over towards her and sat next to her looking at what was in her hand curiously.

Y/N: Hey what's that?

Clare: It's part of my next assignment... You know when I told you about Claymores that go beyond their limits?

Y/N: Yeah and they become something called an Awakened Being, so what's the card about?

Clare: It seems that someone I know is becoming an awakened being and they want me to go and help them.

Y/N: So... You're gonna go there and stop them from awakening.

Clare: No... I'm going to kill them while they're still human.

Hearing this your eyes slightly widened from this before sharpening again.

Y/N: Isn't there another way of helping her besides ending her life? There has to be another solution besides just killing them... Maybe your Devil Arm can do something about it.

Looking at her sword for the moment Clare was thinking about the black card along with her new weapon, she didn't know a lot about it but maybe it could help in a way. She was also thinking back to the talk she had with Rubel, he talked about not only about the black card and how reckless she was but he also talked about you as well.

~The Talk~

Walking away from you and Raki for the moment Clare had gone off to do something telling the two of you not to follow her as she continued walking through the sand area. The question was why she was doing this in the first place, you thought about following her but thought against it knowing what Clare would probably say if she saw you doing so. Clare was looking around a bit trying to find the person she was looking for when she heard a voice behind her.

???: Over here.

Turning around Clare looked towards the one who called her recognizing him as the man in black that comes for the reward money Rubel.

Rubel: You're very sweet letting that child and man travel along with you. They'll soon interfere with your work though.

Clare: The boy's only a cook and the man is helping me improve my skills, neither of them will get in my way.

Rubel: Your cook huh along with a trainer... I would never have expected you to ask for help from someone, but either way, he may help you improve. Talking like this makes you almost sound quite human if you ask me. Do either of them conjure some sort of memories from any other eras?

Clare looked at him with an emotionless expression before changing the subject.

Clare: Did you bring the change of clothes I requested?

A few seconds later a new set of clothes was thrown towards her seeing this, she turned around undressing so she could put on the new set of clothing even though it looked exactly like her old one.

Rubel: Oh yes, I had almost forgotten the other reason for being here as well, I was to inform you about this.

Turning around Clare looked at what the man had in his hand and gasped at what it was her silver eyes widening from shock.

~Flashback Over~

You noticed she was looking down at the card still as if she was trying to remember something, you were thinking that maybe this Claymore that Clare had to go and finish off may have been someone she knew. But then again by the look on her face, you could tell it was probably nothing, just thinking about something else, you were about to lay down when Clare spoke to you once more.

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