Chapter One

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          Chapter One

I can feel the eyes of the gods stare at me while I practice. I wonder who my parent is. I joined Camp Half-blood four years ago, and I still haven't found out yet.

"Elizabeth," Zeus shouts. I'm in trouble. I walk over to were the gods are sitting. They must be at least ten feet tall. Aphrodite stands up. I can see why they say she is the goddess of beauty. Her image changes to were she looks like an older me. Her blinds hair falls top her waist. Her blue eyes stare straight into my soul. She is pale, just like me. She says something in Greek. I start to glow. A warm feeling fills me up. I turn around. Everyone is staring at me. I must have been chosen. I look up. I don't see anything. Luke, the guy with sandy blond hair and blue eyes, walks over to me.

"Look down," he whispers in my ear. I down. My jeans and camp shirt has changed into a short white dress. The v-neck hangs a bit low. My hair in my face. So obviously, my ponytail came undone. Great, I think, My mom is Aphrodite. I did not see that one coming.

"You owe me five bucks." Luke says. The gods sit back down. I take it that I can leave. I walk with the other campers towards Hermes' castle. I grab my bag from Luke. I reach into the side pocket and pulled out a five dollar bill. I hold it out. Luke grabs my left wrist and pull me towards him.

"What?" I ask him. I know it is rude, but I'm too angry to care. Why am I the daughter of the most girliest goddess of them all? Luke stares me straight into my eyes. He has the most handsome blue eyes. His scar is perfect were it is. With his other hand, he slips something on my left ring finger.

"Will you marry me?" Luke asks me. I search his face to see if he is joking. He isn't. Four years I have known him. I always loved him, but I didn't think he loved me. I know we have been dating for a while, but I always thought out was a fling.

"Yes," I finally reply. Joy fills his eyes. "But we have to keep this on the down low for a lot bit."

"Okay," he replies. He kiss my lips. I pull away. He looks a bit disappointed.

"We have to get to the final dinner." I tell him. Hermes walks up to us. Did he just over heard our conversation?

"I can send your bag to were it belongs," Hermes says to me. I hand him my bag. As soon as the bag touches Hermes hands, it disappears.

"Thank you," I tell him. He just smiles and walks away. I grab Luke's hand. "Ready to go?" I ask him. He nods his head. We start down the path. Thankfully the dining hall is right next to Hermes' castle. The path is almost empty. Only a few Aphrodite girls, my sisters, are there. They giggle as Luke and I walk past them. I can't believe I'm related to them. All they seem to care about is who is dating who and what is the coolest clothes. Luke pulls me closer to him. He push open the door top the dining hall. Thankfully you can sit anywhere. The only two seats next to each other are at the table in front of the gods. Luke and I take the seats. I can feel my mom staring me down. Zeus stands up for the final speech.

"Thank you for coming to the winter solstice training," he says. His voice rings through the hall as everyone falls silent. "We had a few people claimed and we have seen that the camp has improved from last year." He says to everyone. "And we must congratulate Luke Castellan and Elizabeth Smith's engagement."

How did he know? I look at Luke. He is just as shocked as me. I look back arty the gods. I look at all of them. My eyes fall on my mom. Of course she knows. She is the goddess of love. My love life will never be secretive again.


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