Chapter Ten

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I can see the Hollywood sign is on the horizon. Annabeth and Percy are arguing about something ridiculous. They have been doing that the entire time. A huge storm cloud forms above our car. The gods are angry. We are closer to out destination each passing second.

"Whose house was that?" Grover asks.

"Mine and my dad's," I reply.

"What happened to him?" Annabeth asks.

"When l was three, my dad and I was attack by Minotaur," I tell her.

"You should never call monsters by their name," Annabeth states. Why does she always have to be a know-it-all?

"I'm sorry," Percy says. I remember being told Percy's mom was abducted by the Minotaur. So we sort of understand each other's pain. Memories of my past start rushing through my head. My dad showing how to fish, us camping, and everything up to the attack. My head starts spinning.

"We're here," Grover says. We all pile out of the car. The sign is gigantic. We run towards the sign. Percy stops at one spot.

"Whoa to all souls," he reads. a tunnel forms in the side of the hill behind it. It is six feet tall and three feet wide. I take my bobby pin out of my hair. It automatically transform into a sword. All four of us enter the tunnel. I'm in the back. The tunnel leads to a small room. The walls are lined with bones and lit candles. A man on a ferry is on the other side. He is wearing a long brownish black cloak.

"Who is he?" Grover asks.

"I don't know," Percy replies, "but lets find out."

He clicks his pen, so now it is a sword. He also takes out Luke's shield. Annabeth grabs her knife Luke gave her when she was seven. We approach the hooded man.

"Who are you?" he asks.

"We're here to see Hades," I tell him in my best sweet and innocent voice.

"The living are not permitted here," he tells us. "Die and come back."

"Okay, we're not going to die and come back," Grover says. He thinks for a second. "We have to pay the ferry man."

I look in Annabeth's bag for the drachmas. I step forward to see flames in the ferry man's hand.

"That was a hundred and fifty bucks," Grover complains.

"Idiot," I mumble under my breath as I hand the man the drachmas. He weights it for a second.

"Welcome aboard," he says to us.

"You could have told me," Grover complains as I drag him on the boat. The ferry man pushes off. Soon the scene changes. There is fire everywhere except in one small spot. The valley of heroes. We float along. Different objects float pass our heads.

I grab an image of a woman that sort of looks like me. She is by two children and a man holding her hand. This was my dad's wish. That I would find true love and have kids. I let go of the picture.

"What is this?" I ask.

"Lost hopes and dreams," the ferry man tells me. "They die with the people who die."

We pull up to a castle in the middle of everything. It is dark and gloomy, just like on those movies with haunted castles.

"This is as far as I can go," the man tells us. Percy, Grover, Annabeth, and I pile out of the boat. We walk into the castle. The floors are blood red and the walls are made of black marble. Two hounds half the size of me balls at us, cornering us. A woman walks in, telling a command in Greek. The hounds turn around and leave us. I study the woman. She has to be in her early twenties. She has long black curly hair. She is in a long black and dark red dress. She is Persephone.

"They smell a presence of another animal," she tells us.

"They must smell goat," Grover states.

"I never had a satyr...." she says trying to find the right woods "visit me before."

"PERSEPHONE!" a deep voice booms through the castle. "WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG. DON'T TEST MY PATIENTS."

"Or what?" Persephone threatens. She motions us to follow her. She leads us to the main room. In the middle of the room, there ids a throne facing the fire place. Hades stands up from his throne. He looks at us. His hair is jet black curly hair. His eyes are bottomless cold pits. He looks like a runaway rock star. He is in torn black skinny jeans, a red tee, and a black leather vest.

"Your Hades?" Grover asks him. "I didn't expect you to be do stylish."

"Would you like me like this?" Hades asks as he transforms into the monster we saw in the fire.

"No," Grover shouts. "The Mick Jagger style looks good on you."

Hades transforms back to the rock star style. He motions Percy to come closer. I stay close behind him as he gets closer to Hades, who is now standing in front of a table full of food. I'm not letting him get hurt. Annabeth and Grover stay by the throne.

"I can see the look of disgust in your eyes," Hades informs Percy. "I was banished here by my brothers, Zeus and Poseidon, your father. The only way to overthrow my brothers by using the lightning bolt."

"I need my mother," Percy states.

"I need the bolt," Hades says, "then we have an understanding."

"The truth is I don't have the lighting bolt," Percy tells Hades.

"What do you think I am? An idiot?" Hades shouts. He walks over to orb. "Now give my lightning bolt or say goodbye to your mother."

Hades throws the orb on the ground. The orb shatters turning into smoke that forms into a woman. She has the same black hair and green eyes. She is in a blue shirt and jeans. Percy drops his shield. The room fills with a clang and the sound of electricity. But it seems Percy doesn't notice. He runs towards his mom and gives her a hug. I look down at the shield. A cylinder with electricity around out is slightly peaking out of the section you hold. The first thing that comes to mind is a name. Luke. Luke is the lightning thief. The second thing that comes to mind is that I need to keep that bolt away from Hades. I reach down. But Hades grabs it before me. He slaps me for trying to defy him. The slap was so hard Annabeth pulls me back towards the group. Hades hold up the bolt and admires it. Persephone stand behind him and stares at the bolt.

"Feed them to the spirits," Hades tells her. She waves her hand. The fireplace transforms into a vortex. Souls reach out to try grab us.

"You have the bolt," Percy shouts. "Now let us go."

"Summon the hounds," Hades orders. Persephone shouts in Greek again. We are soon cornered by the two hounds. Persephone grabs the lightning bolt from Hades.

"Come on, give it back," Hades tells her. She points the bolt at him. Electricity shoots out. Hitting Hades in the middle of his chest, knocking him out cold. Persephone says something. The hounds retreat and the souls disappears.

"Why did you do that?" I ask her.

"Because he is mean and cruel," she says. "The only time I look forward to time outside of here. A war of the gods would be an end of that."

"Thank you," I say. She hands Percy the lightning bolt. He takes out the pearls.

"Only three," she says. "Two of you are going to have to stay."

"I am going to," Grover states.

"I will," I volunteered. I know I will be no use.

"No I will," Mrs.Jackson offers. After some arguing, Percy finally agreed to his mom staying. But only because Grover will be here. Percy hand Annabeth and I each a pearl.

"Step on it and visualize Mount Olympus," Grover says. I step on the pearl. In my mind, I see Mount Olympus. I can feel my bones twist and turn as I turn into green smoke.

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