Chapter Two

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The sunshine feels good on my face. I love being in the woods. I hear rustle behind me.

"After almost half a year, I'm still getting presents from the gods," I say. Luke sits right next to me. He more handsome since I last saw him. His short blinds hair flows in the wind.

"What did you get this time?" Luke asks me.

"A necklace that if you open the charm," I reply to him, "a rainbow will form. So that way I can communicate with you anytime we are separated." He smiles and kisses me on my cheek. He put his arm around my shoulder.

"Did you want to tell me something?" I ask him.

"Yeah," he replies. "Your new trainee is awake." Oh yeah. A fifteen year old boy with black hair showed up at the boarder with his protector, Grover. He has been passed out for two days. I stand up to go see him. Luke follows my lead. We walk down the path towards the infirmary. Campers are spread out practicing for the game Friday. A storm passes around the camp slowly. A bad feeling wells up in me. As if something is seriously wrong. I hear thunder, but I don't see any lightning. Finally the storm passed over. I walk into the infirmary. The boy is sitting up drinking a glass of necture. His black hair is a mess. I can see his eyes are green from here. I walk up to him.

"Hi, welcome to Camp Half-blood," I say to him. "I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Liz. I'll be your trainer."

"I'm Percy," he replies. Luke walks up and grab my hand. I guess Luke already introduced himself. "Is there something going on between you two?" Percy asks. I nod my head in response. He looks at Grover for help.

"I'll see you tomorrow to begin training," I tell him. I wave goodbye. I walk away from the building. Something is very strange about him. Luke walks next to me. The sunshine comes out again. The warm rays shine down on my skin. I know it's stupid, but I want to feel rain on my face again. A con shell goes off in the distance. Time for dinner. I head towards the pavilion. It is a slab of concrete with tables everywhere and a fire in the middle. I take a seat at my cabin's table. The other campers start to file in. The empty seats at most of the tables fill. The Hermes cabin is so filled, Luke is hanging off the edge of the bench. I giggle a little. I don't know why I find out funny. I turn back towards my plate. I stand up and grab my plate. I dump half of the food into the fire. A sweet aroma rises out of the fire. I can see why the gods love the smell. I turn around and go back to my table. I sit back down and start to eat. A pair of arms wrap around my waist. I look behind me and kiss Luke on his cheek. He kisses me back and head towards the table.

"Liz," Silena says to me. I stare into her blue eyes. Her dark brown hair keeps falling in her face. I can see why she is in charge of the Aphrodite Cabin. I nod in response. "Why have you been screaming at night?" she asks me. I stare at her. Is she really asking me this question? All demigod have terrifying and, sadly, real dreams.

"I mean, I know it's because of what ever your dream is, but what is your dream about?" She says to me.

"Nothing important," I reply.

"Okay," she replies to me. I look down at my plate. A note lays right next to it. I open it up. A white rose petal falls out. This note is mine. I'm the only one who loves white roses.

Meet me at the Hermes Cabin tonight after the campfire. Your choice of what we do.
Love Luke.

I smile at what the note says. Silena takes the note from me. She quickly goes over the note. She smiles when she finishes. She stands up and grab my arm. She yanks me away from the table. Thankfully this is normal, so no one is looking at us. I look back just to check. I was wrong. Luke is watching us. I turn around just in time to duck down to keep a branch from hitting my head. We approach the cabins. She pulls me into our cabin.

"Get a shower," Silena says. "You stink. And don't worry about clothes, I got that covered."

"Thanks sis," I reply.  I do need a shower. I head over to the bathroom. There are so many types of beauty products in here. I hop in the shower. The shampoo and conditioner both are pink. I put it in my hair. After I wash it out, I start to smell like roses. I'm not shocked. Roses are well known gestures of love. I hop out of the shower. Laying on the counter are some clothes. I put them on. I look in the mirror. I'm in a blue, flowery shirt that dip low, and a short Jean skirt. Silena walks in with a blow dryer. I sit down on the bench. Silena turns the machine on and blow dries my wet hair. She puts the machine down. I stand up. That should be it. I'm wrong. Silena comes over with a bag full of make-up. Luke better be happy that I'm willing to get girly for him.

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