Positive or Negative?

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Zoe's POV:
"Alfie I'm scared" I stuttered to Alfie who was mostly excited.
"Little one, remember I'll be here beside you every step of the way and I'll never let anything hurt you" Alfie said wrapping his arm around my shoulder
We'd been together for over 7 years now, yet he still knows how to make me so happy.
"Thank you Alfie, I can do this" I said back to him.
I quietly closed the door behind me and took three different pregnancy tests just to make sure.
I waited around for a few minutes trying to distract myself from my anxious thoughts.
I wondered out the bathroom and couldn't think straight.
"I'm too scared to look alfie"
Alfie grabbed my hand and said to me "We can do it together, I'll be with you through everything"
Alfie's POV:
I couldn't be more excited, for the last seven years I've dreamed of being a father to Zoe's children and the fact it could possibly come true today made me so excited.
We both went in the bathroom, our hands still intertwined and picked up the three tests.
We locked eyes.
"3,2,1 go" I said to her. We both turned the tests over...
Positive, Positive, Positive. I looked at Zoe shocked and I couldn't be happier, but what does she think?

Our little one - Zalfie  baby fanfic COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now