I miss you mum.

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Zoe's POV:
Another day, more editing. It's what mine and Alfie's lives consisted of at the moment. I knew it would all slow down once the baby arrives. I decided to edit one more video until I heard my phone ping.
I had a text from my mum, once I read it made me realise how much I missed being with her and how I want to see her.
Mum: Hi Zoe! How are you? I hope both you Alfie and the baby are doing well! Miss and love you lots! Xxx
I replied to her: Hi mum, we are all okay thanks! How are you?  I really miss having you around! I need some pregnancy mummy tips! When are you free? Lots of love Zoe xxx
Around 5 minutes later she replied, it made me want to live with my mum all over again. As much as I loved living with Alfie, I missed having my mums company.
I spoke to mum for another half an hour before going upstairs and finding Alfie asleep on the bed. I crept onto the bed quietly being careful to not wake them both, I sat down and opened up my laptop as I had photos to go through for a project I'm working on. I came across so many photos that had so much meaning to me.
My favourite one being Joe and I at our first concert with mum. I looked at the photo some more and before I knew it my emotions had got the better of me again, I really needed some mum advice! The tears just kept rolling.
Alfie's POV:
I woke up to the sound of someone crying? I looked over at Zoe who had tears streaming down her face in front of her laptop.
"Zoe what's going on! Are you okay?" I said pulling her closer to me.
"Yeah I'm okay, don't worry it's just me being stupid again" Zoe said.
"Zoe, your not. Come on what's up" I asked her.
"I just miss my mum that's all" she said.
"It's okay, look we can go and visit your mum next week if you like" I said to her.
"I know Alfie but would you be happy to drive there? Thank you for everything" she said feeling guilty.
"Of course, I don't mind!" I said.
Zoe wrapped her arms round me.
"I love you so much" she told me.
"Guess what lil one?" I said to her.
"What?" She asked, a small smile creeped on her face.
"I love you more" I said.
"The real question is, who do you love more, me or our bubba?" She questioned me.
"Tough one that, as long as she's part of you, I love her so much" I smiled, I meant every word.
"Your being so cute today" Zoe said looking up at me, her chin balanced on my shoulder.
I didn't need to say anything, I lent down and kissed Zoe's lips, the girl who meant the most to me.
"Love you" she said.
"Love you too" I said.
My girl.

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