7 months pregnant and panic attacks!

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Zoe's POV:
It was now a week later and we were back home. And today I'm finally 7 months pregnant with our little one. It was early morning and I was sat in bed editing my new vlog from when we were at mums! Alfie was walking round the room and moaning because he couldn't find anything to wear.
"What's the matter with you grumpy deyes?" I said heaving myself out of bed and wrapping my arms around the back of his waist whilst he was shirtless.
"I don't know what to wear today" Alfie said whilst linking his hands with mine which were wrapped around his bare waist.
"Ooo let me choose!" I said excitedly.
"Okay" Alfie said.
I removed myself from Alfie's grip and went through his wardrobe, I chose his Adidas black jumper with ripped tight black jeans.
"Here you go." I said handing the clothes to Alfie.
Alfie smiled and went to grab his hat from out the draw.
I grabbed his arm and said "Don't wear a hat today, I like it when you do your hair!" I said.
"Fine!" Alfie smiled and rolled his eyes. He then got changed whilst I finished editing.
"Like it?" Alfie asked once he was changed.
"You look so cute!" I said.
"By the way, happy 7 months." Alfie smiled putting his hand on my bump.
"2 months." I smiled.
"I'm proud of you." he said rubbing my bump.
"Thank you." I said before kissing him.
Alfie's POV:
It was much later in the evening now and Zoe and I were sat on the sofa on our laptops. I looked over at Zoe and she looked extremely pale and worried.
"Zo are you okay?" I asked her.
She didn't say anything, her breathing became quicker and the tears started to fall.
I knew exactly what it was, her panic attacks.
I moved closer to her letting her lean into my chest and cry. I stroked her hair softly and rubbed her shoulder.
"Shhh it's okay, I'm here" I said to Zoe.
"Alfie I cant do this" she sobbed gripping on to my hand.
"You can, match your breathing to mine, deep breath in, deep breath out." I said.
She slowly matched her breathing to mine and the tears slowly stopped falling.
"Alfie." Zoe said, some tears still rolling.
"What's the matter?" I said rubbing her shoulder.
"I'm so nervous about giving birth, what if it all goes wrong?" Zoe said to me, I knew this was going to happen at one point.
"Nothings going to go wrong I promise and I'll be there the whole time with you gorgeous, no matter what happens." I said to her, holding her hand.
"I love you" Zoe said her breathing returning back to normal.
"I love you too, we can do this and your going to be a great mummy." I said to Zoe.
"Your going to be such an amazing daddy." Zoe smiled.
I let my lips find their way to hers, attached to mine. My favourite thing.

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