8 months pregnant and a cute note!

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Alfie's POV:
I woke up early today, it's rare that I wake up before Zoe ever! I got up and decided to head into town to buy Joe a few things for his birthday and last minute bits for our baby who will now be here in a month! It's crazy how quickly the last 8 months have flown by, In a month our little girl would be welcomed to the world!
I looked over at Zoe who was fast asleep with her hands cradling her bump. I went over to her side of the bed and kissed her cheek, man I loved her.
Before heading into town, I wrote Zoe a note telling her where I was going and all that. I write these notes because I know Zoe appreciates them and well I'm just a great husband!
I went outside in my shorts and t-shirt, the sun blazing down on my car, I headed into town. Once I'd reached town, I made my way to my favourite baby shop and brought the cutest baby seat! I knew Zoe would love it!
Zoe's POV:
I woke up at 9am, confused as to where Alfie was as he never wakes up later than me! I went to check my phone to see if he had texted me but instead I was brought with a piece of paper on the top of my phone that read:
Hey sleepy head, I've gone into town to pick up a few things, I should be back in a few hours. Happy 8 months, just one more month!! I'm so proud of you and I can't wait to give you a big hug when I'm home! Text me once your up, love you! (You make me smile!) alfie x
I read the letter and smiled to myself about how adorable he was. Our bubba is going to have the best dad. I sent alfie a text thanking him, letting him know I was awake.
Z: hey Alf, thanks for the cute note, I'm awake and okay! Love you x
A: it's okay! Your welcome, I'm just leaving town be back soon, love you too! X
Alfie's POV:
I got home later that day and found Zoe who was sat on the bed watching a film.
"Hello" she said when I walked into the bedroom.
"Hi, I brought some things for our little girl and Joes birthday!" I said sitting down next to Zoe and putting my hand on her leg.
"Ooo show me!" Zoe said clapping, getting excited.
I showed her the things that I got for Joes birthday, our baby was due on Joes birthday so we wanted to have everything ready in advance!
"Yay Joe will love them!" Zoe said rubbing my arm.
I proceeded to show her the car seat I brought and the clothes and toys!
"They are so cute!! Thank you gorgeous! Just one more month!" She said beaming up at me.
"I know, it's crazy how quickly the last eight months have gone" I said to Zoe.
"Yeah and we are lucky enough to share it with so many amazing people." Zoe said.
"I know, I can't wait for the viewers to meet the baby, they will be so excited!"  I said.
The evening went on with numerous chats about the next month and the future. Both Zoe and I were going to discuss names tomorrow, we ate pizza and watched films together.
I couldn't wait to have more moments like this with Zoe but with our little human that we will proudly raise together as a loving family. I thought about the future and smiled. I was so lucky to be in the position I am.

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