The Genesis Of The Mime + The Exodus Of Reality And Clown College

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The Life of Jesus Thrist began on a cold day in the middle of August. When the second Jesus was born, he was struck by a fatal accident. His mother was bleeding out and gave birth to him crawling on train tracks, leading to them both getting crushed. Years passed until the fateful day.

A woman by the name of Mary was going about her day as normal. Instead of attending church she was whoring herself out to make ends meet. Suddenly as she took a throbbing cock into her anus something kicked inside of her. Immediately the dude pulled out, zipped up, and ran, leaving his wallet behind but not his keys. He also forgot his straw boater, and Michael Jackson gloves.

Now the birth of Thrist was quite strange to say the least. The world needed its new prodigy, and its new lord soon. So he was formed within 24 hours of seed being injected into his mother. The same man pulverizing her anus, was his father. He would, like his father, grow up to get everything out of every cent spent. So as the mother ate taco bell and was losing her mind about this pregnancy, she had to go to the bathroom. Luckily she had brought to taco bell home. Mary shat her child out that night. Not only that, but the taco bell was giving her cramps. That day was not working well for dear Mary, but it went just as the O.G lord intended.

After cleaning her bathroom up and driving to the hospital, she now had a baby to care for. Did I mention she was a poor twenty year old? Because she was. Now with offspring of her own, she hadn't a clue of what to do. Mary, however, did know that her current line of work had to continue, or she had to suck off Gerald to get minimum wage at Mcdonalds. Sadly her apartment was 3 room, with a couch, a radio, a bed, kitchen, and bathroom. The issue was there was no doors except for the one leading out of the apartment. Therefore she had to invest in curtains and keep the kid in the kitchen when she was "working".

That night she realised she hadn't even named the child. Now you have to understand, she hated him. He was the mistake that would fuck her for life, and not in a pleasurable way. However, Mary was not an idiot. She knew it was her sole responsibility to care for this being, and she knew she would have to pull more hours. Lots more hours. So Mary named him after this pain. His name was Ben Doverman Hourly. Needless to say this decision was one Thrist would pay for.

Exodus Of Reality And Clown College

Mary was a poor woman. Her parents hated her, and she couldn't hold down a job without giving one to her fellow employees. This lead to difficulties in the workplace, and why she was a highschool drop out. This also lead to Mary not knowing how to put her offspring into classes when he came of age. So she filled out the wrong form, applying her child to clown college. This is where misery would form most in his childhood. This is where he felt his tears.

This was an all ages college, but he excelled in all classes. Leading to his peers such as thirty year old Jensen Brown, hating his guts. The environment was almost always tense as these people had to work to be "funny", whereas Ben was gifted. Ben knew what to do to make a teacher laugh, especially if she was a woman. This was the only lesson his mother taught him, but on accident. Her "advice" to men in the bedroom was screamed through the apartment complex, and Ben took notes. He was not going to be inadequate, even at the ripe age of five.

After reaching the age of seven, all the other clowns wanted his head and not in a pleasurable way. Ben was ahead millennia in classes, learning only the most difficult techniques and honestly was running out of classes to pass. At the ripe age of seven he knew he had to make a change. A big change, one with an everlasting effect.

On his eighth birthday he graduated from the college. The time was now for his grand stand. At the ceremony, he tore up his diploma. Suddenly he threw down a smoke bomb and back flipped off of the stage. Ben ran to the door, kicking it down and jumping out the first story window. It was his time to leave, time to face a destiny he knew he was born with. Swiftly he got home, and took his pre-packed bag. He had clothes, his father's wallet, smoke bombs, confetti, clothing, etc. It was tonight that he would part the seas of misery and leave the pit more gaping than his mother's own anus after that black guy came over and he had to drag her to the hospital.

His grand escape was simple. He took the subway as far as it would go, heading towards the less populated area of the city. Ben was going to hunt down his father, and he was going to get away from his whore of a mother. A daring plan, a noble plan, and the best an eight year old could make.

After five days and four nights of starving to death, he found his father. Now his father was much better off, he had a house, a car, and seemed competent. The only issue with him was how much he wanted to get into the ladies pants, akin to Benjamin Franklin. Luckily for him his father knew about his existence. There was a case years ago where Mary was trying to sue Ben's father, or put custody on him. Clearly this failed and now Ben could change that.

Ben's father was named Bill, and now the two B's were united. The case was quick and easy once Ben mention how his mother was fucking men and there wasn't even a door between them. Now Ben knew he could live life how he wanted. Ben wanted to be a mime, as it connected the clown lessons to his inner torment. Now he had the chance, and now he could conquer.

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