~one~ new beginnings ♡

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I blew a big bubble gum buble before walking down the halls of my new school... I took my new portable gaming console and decided to start playing to distract myself from the outside world...

I pushed the front door open with my foot so I could keep on playing since I was already on level 6.., I could sence the kids staring at me whilst i walked smoothley down the hall without missing a beat, I smashed the boss on level six the second I walked through the next door, so school was basicly 'Smash or Die' in real life.. if i was left on my own to play my video games all year, I think I could survive this school.. Well thats what I thought untill......


I was so into my game, I wasnt looking where I was going..., I had crashed right into somebody...

My head was still spinning but I could make out a blue cat....-WAIT! I wa- I mean an a blue cat... what sort of crazy alternet unerverse is this... I had only just realised that:

A) I was still on the floor

B) this cute cat was staring at me with his arm outsteched

C) I had just swalloed that massive wad of gum without choking...

WAIT did I just call him cute...? No.. I dont know....

*ahem* I suddenly snaped back into reality..

Me and the cat locked eyes again and he said
"Em... are you ok... I mean you look a bit... erm...lost?"

Awww Bless... Now I could tell that his outstreched arm was to help me get up... I decided to awnser him whilst i got up

" Yhea, I'm fine apart from the fact that I swalloed a massive gumball..."
I chuckled to myself

The boy started to chuckle a bit too "Wow.. My name is actually Gumball"
We were both laughing now

"Yhea.. I'm Candy... I'm, well, new i guess..." I said dusting myself... I caught myself stuck in his warming gaze that made my heart flutter...

"Hey, um Candy" Gumball said, getting my atention, " Is that the new Mintendo Swap?? { riigghhhtttt i know what this is.... ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)}"
I nodded " whoa cool! Do you play?"

"Hell yess!"

"Cool! I bet you... erm..."

"Lunch?" I surgested

"Yhea, ok, lunch... get ready for me to kick your but at 'Lario Cart'!"

"I'm sorry Gumball, but you're gonna be bying me lunch... I never lose...." I said, trying to get into his head

"You're on" Gumball said wilst walking down the hall...

I know I'm going to like it here now....

Hey guys!! How did you like my first chapter?? Btw this is a drawing i did about what Candy looks like... I hope you like..

The Amazing World of Gumball: The New GirlWhere stories live. Discover now