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I had a split second to think; leap in and save Darwin while also risk getting winded really bad. Or let that poor fish get wreked by a bunny... I chose to get winded

I leaped in to save Darwin, Anais was a lot more heavy then I was expecting... We both ended up crashing into the floor, I got the most impact and passed out

*no ones point of view*

Gumball walked into the classroom and saw everybody crowded over something, Gumball walked over and cursed himself for BEING SO GODDAMED SHORT  and found a way to get passed everyone

He saw a body, but not just anybody's body, It was Candy's. He felldown to his knees and started sobbing
"NOOOO NOT CANDY.... SHE WAS SO YOUNG, ONLY 12 YEARS OLDDDDD WHYY HER, WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE HER AND NOT ME??!?!" Gumball cried, he realised that she had a strip of blue in her jet black hair-

"Well she didn't have to be the one to passout" Gumball turned around to see Anais stairing at him with a look like she wanted to murder someone

"Yes... ITS MY FAULT" Gumball turned around to see Darwin crying "she sacrificed herself... for me!..."

"I know buddy, its not fair" they were both crying together. Anais just rolled her eyes.

"She's not DEAD, witch btw is a thing you both will be in a few moments" Anais started to pull up her sleeves

"Hey! Look, She's waking up!" Penny yelled. Gumball rushed to look at Candy waking up 'aww, she looks kinda cute when she's sleeping'  Gumball thought to himself

*Candy's POV*

The first thing I saw, a blue cat's head,  the face I've been thinking about all morning, Gumball.

"Hey! Are you okay???" Gumball asked 'awwww, how sweet of him' 

"I'm okay... I think" yep, as I thought, REALLY winded.... shoot. "You'r sister is a lot heavyer than she looks!

"Ha! Yhea!"

I looked round at the room... the penut with antlers spoke up

"Hi, I'm Penny"

Now other people started telling who they are. I now knew names. And why Anais was trying to kill Gumball and Darwin, apparently they dressed her up as a doll and recorded it as a comercal, Its kinda funny really, Gumball showed me the clip 


A ghost appered out of nowhere, And by nowhere, I mean nowhere. I couldent help but notice Darwin going really red, aww he had a crush on her, how cute!

"Hey, so could anyone tell me where the dead body is...." The ghost said. Everyone went blank "Don't tell me I came from the spirit world for nothing.... fine, so no dead body." She spotted me "oh hey, you must be the newbie, Im Carrie BTW"

The Amazing World of Gumball: The New GirlWhere stories live. Discover now