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I sighed, I had made great friends with some people, I hung out in graveyards with Carrie, laughed about random junk with Joe, and Fangirled with Sarah.

I socialised with pretty much everyone, apart from the ones I actually  wanted to speak too.... yup, you guessed it. I didn't see much of Gumball.

Too put my mind off of it, I decided to head on over to the arcade. I can usually find my serenity there.

Looking around, there was only one vacant game. 'Ultra Street Fighters II', great game'  I thought too myself, I looked up at the screen and was a bit surprised with what I saw. It wasn't the usual main menu screen, someone had made a new record and just left it!

"Wait! Don't play! I've thought of a name!!"

I heard a voice behind me.
'No, it can't be!'

I turned around to see just what I was expecting. A cute blue neko, in that same jumper and jeans he always wore. And we can't forget his cheeky grin can we?

I moved aside and watched him type 'Zac' into the 'three-letter-name' space. Confused, I asked him:

"Who the hell is Zac??"

He gave me his signature cheeky grin and just said

"Long story. "



whooooooo it's been a loooong time, I know. Last time I updated was 2 days after my birthday! One of my new bestest friends Ash (Snozzberry25) motivated me to write again, and I'm lowkey really happy she did!

Smell ya later,

Cat x

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