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The first thing I saw was a group of people stairing at me... that group included; a multi coloured kid with a sweatband (looked like a bit of a jack-ass tbh) , an eyball... with wings??, a paper bear, a jukebox boy, a teal balloon with a face?, a penut-with-antlers and the only normal looking person, a goldfish with legs... seems normal enough.... I guess...

They kept on stairing at me... I surpose I should say something.... "Hi, my name is Candy and I just moved here to Elmore... This is my first day.. so yhea..."

I felt a presence behind me, I turned around.. but there was nothing there... but then I heared a voice say "hey! Tall thing! Down here!" I looked down to see a little pink rabbit... she looked like she was 4 years old... this was a middle school though... "Do you know where Gumball is?" She carried on... Gumball.... I slowley shook my head "Oh well, well if you do," she said quite calmley "TELL HIM I'M GOING TO RIP HIS FACE OFF FOR DRESSING ME UP LIKE A BABY.... you too Darwin" the hole class parted like the red sea leading up to the Goldfish who I was guessing was called Darwin... Well anyways, Darwin didn't realise that the whole class was staring at him... but when he did this is what he said

"Oh, hi!" He waved at me, "You must be the new girl... I'm Darwin, Gumball's younger brother, and I hope that we can be the best of friends!" Awww he seemed sweet and HE WAS GUMBALLS BROTHER?!?! He only just realised that the little bunny was stairing daggers at him "Oh hi Anais! What brings you here to my class, sis?"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'WHAT BRINGS ME HERE?' IM HERE TO DESTROY YOU!!!!" Anais pounced at Darwin, I could only think of the worst.


Sorry that I havnt updated in AGES! I hope you liked this little classroom chapter and yes I know that Penny is surposed to be a goddes like thing but that will hapen later on in the story

~ namichanx
• Cat

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