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7:48 p.m


LUCIFER AND I walk down the hall with the king and queen. We stop at a door which King Vincent holds open for all of us.

Queen Octavia motions for us to sit on the couch. Both of us flop down and exchange an uneasy look.

The party ended ten minutes ago and I wish it would have lasted longer. I've been dreading this meeting since Queen Octavia told me about it.

Still, my mind wanders to Emily. She left with Jackson in a coach, back to his place. He was clearly drunk as hell. Christos said the worst that could happen is Jackson and his brother get in a fight over cards and Emily has to pull them off each other.

The door closes and I see Lucifer shudder, sinking into the couch.

"You two don't need to look so nervous you know." Octavia smiles, pouring us some tea.

"Both of you are sober I hope?" Vincent grins, sitting next to his wife on the couch opposite of Lucifer and me.

I nod, only having had table wine at dinner. Lucifer opens his mouth to speak, having trouble finding his words.

"I-I had two drinks? I'm not sure if I'm a little drunk or not?"

"I'm sure you're fine." Vincent nods. "Do you two know why we want to talk to you?"

Both of us glance at each other before we shake our heads.

"No need to freak out, nothings wrong." Octavia drinks from her tea cup.

"We just wanted a chance to talk to you because, well, you'll be marrying our son and daughter." Vincent says

"And you'll also become our son and daughter." Octavia adds.

"Oh, haha." Lucifer grabs his cup with a shaking hand.

"How are you two feeling? About the weddings I mean." Octavia scoots to the edge of her seat, excited.

"Is it okay to say nervous?" I steady my breathing.

"Oh of course dear. That's to be expected." Octavia pats my hand.

"I don't think it's set in for me yet." Lucifer fiddles with his fingers.

"Not surprising seeing as Adalia has said you two don't interact like a couple most of the time. The two you don't sleep in the same bed, correct?"

Lucifer turns pale, sensing the harsh stare he's getting. "Well I mean, uh, it's not like I have a separate room. I sleep on the couch. Adalia said that's fine. But I mean-"

"Don't worry Lucifer, it's fine." Octavia glares at Vincent.

Lucifer looks down, his face turning red. "Sorry, I'm a let down, trust me I know."

"Oh no honey, it's not like that." Octavia stands up sitting next to Lucifer. "Not at all. We're so happy you and Alice are here. You make Adalia so happy, do you know that? She gushes about you for ages."

"She does?" He looks up.

"Absolutely. She loves you so much."

Lucifer looks down at his hands and smiles. Octavia pats his back before returning to her seat.

"We want you two to know that you're part of the family, and that you can come to us, anytime."  Vincent smiles.

"You can talk to us about anything. We know this can be a difficult time for mortals. And of course there is added stress for you two, marrying into the royal family and all."

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